Wasteland Angel

Wasteland Angel

Steam Store

Разработчик: Octane Games

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Катастрофа! Произошла Третья Мировая война, во время которой было убито большинство населения мира. Но мертвым повезло. Ведь выжившие живут в постоянном страхе, что их убьют или захватят в плен жестокие банды, дезертировавшие воинские подразделения и, конечно, мутанты.

Сидя в тяжело бронированной машине, экипированная бесчисленным количеством оружия и жаждущая возмездия, наша героиня, Ангел Пустоши, странствует по радиоактивным пустыням от одного богом забытого городка к другому, оберегая выживших от участи стать рабами. Ее задание — защитить тех, кто не может сам защитить себя.

Wasteland Angel возвращает нас во времена старых аркадных шутеров, в которых игроки отбивались от волн врагов, а в конце каждого уровня сражались с эпичным и опасным боссом. Игроки управляют машиной Ангела Пустоши и расчищают себе путь вперед с помощью установленных на ней парных пулеметов. Чтобы разделаться с любыми бандами, мутантами или военными, осмелившимися встать на ее пути, у Ангела Пустоши есть улучшаемое оружие и боеприпасы, которые помогут противнику отправиться на тот свет.

Основные особенности:

  • 24 стремительных уровня, разворачивающихся посреди 6 типов разоренного ландшафта
  • 3 вражеских фракции, включая бандитов, отступников и мутантов
  • 4 уровня сложности от новичка до самоубийцы
  • Различные задания от сопровождения до агрессивного наступления
  • Супероружие для увеличения бойни на экране, включая мины, напалм, электромагнитный импульс и ядерное оружие
  • Битвы с огромными боссами
  • Дополнительные уровни, предлагающие устроить резню в режиме от первого лица
  • Онлайновые доски почета для каждого уровня сложности
  • Рейтинги в звездах для всех уровней и 40 достижений для прошедших игру

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, russian

Системные требования


  • Operating system:Windows® XP/Vista/7
  • Processor: Intel® 2.0GHz CPU
  • Memory: 2GB
  • Hard disk space: 4GB
  • Video: 256 MB of dedicated video memory with support for pixel shader 3.0. (nVidia 8600 or equivalent)
  • Sound: Sound card with DirectX 9.0c support
  • DirectX®: 9.0c

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 02.06.2024 07:42
1 0

The game is a "wave base defense game" in which most of the levels you are defending 1 or 2 cities from being snatched up by whatever evil gangs that exists in the wasteland. All the while dealing with the other vehicles that try and take you out.
While the core gameplay of the game is fine, it quickly becomes repetitive and becomes less and less engaging. The game has some super weapons that you can randomly get from dead enemies, which can make the gameplay a bit more varied, but does not save it.

The areas consists of 4 levels 1-2 are the defense miassions, 1 boss fight and then 1 bonus mission that's either a time race, kill as many enemies before you die, or kill as many enemies before the timer runs out
the defense missions are probably the best the game has to offer, as the bossfights are copy pasted twice and requires you to use 1 super weapon over and over again until they die, the bonus missions are fine, but just feels not worth doing.

The car controls are serviceable, but is definetly not the best and you will experience times where they feel wonky and terrible to control.
Not to mention the abundance of objects you bounce of off from angles and areas where their hitbox geometry does not even reach, you will have a lot of times where the car will flip on it's side, either because of enemy vehicles or because of something in the level, not to mention that you can get stuck in the geometry and while the game has a "reset car" button, it works better for when the car
has flipped, than when it's stuck in the geometry

The enemy also has issues with the levels, as a lot of times you will see the icon that represents an enemy, outside of the visible map, because they got stuck on something, or another enemy.
it's buggy as well and sometimes it can mean a restart of a mission because it softlocks you from progressing.

The soundtrack fits the theme of a wasteland and to that is a bit generic.
There is a story, but it's forgetable

I wouldn't really recommend this, go play some other car game

Время в игре: 183 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 18.12.2022 21:11
5 1

Starts off "so bad it's bearable" and the first person view sections are kind of interesting for a few minutes. Other than that it's trash and idk where I got this from. Feels like a mediocre, bug-filled game from mid 2000's XBLA.

Время в игре: 130 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 30.01.2022 08:59
0 0

Game had concept so got it and played it, soon lost my attention though about just before halfway it became so repetitive it was annoying so finished it just for the story line which was the only decent thing with this game.

Время в игре: 388 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.11.2021 16:38
6 1

My expectations were low for a $10 but I had some extra money in paypal so I figured, what the hell. The game was actually a pleasant surprise. It was a fun, Vigilante 8 style car shoot-em up. The levels get quite challenging. If you're looking to burn a weekend and have a spare 10$ then go for it.

Время в игре: 367 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 16.03.2021 01:21
3 0

Repetitive, unsatisfying and just a little buggy to top it off. Only bother if you can get it on a deep sale for $2 or less, that is the proper value for 2-3 hours of some mild arcade fun. There's the base of a good idea here but the lack of polish in enemy behavior and loads of weak design just kill it. There's never any need for strategy or much skill. Do laps around the towns while holding down left click. Hit right click if you want to, it isn't necessary. You can have as much success fighting the enemies that seek you by backing up slowly and shifting left and right while firing. Hilariously the enemies lack even the basic AI to hit you every time, capable of parking themselves when you do, getting stuck on a firing angle that always misses and sitting there, shooting fruitlessly forever.

I've got no problem with simple games. Some of my favorites are just refining the same behavior until perfection. Wasteland Angel never leaves the tutorial and the few times it does are painfully bad. Bosses are the same identical meat blob with one attack that can only be damaged by power-ups you farm by driving circles around the map to farm them from enemies. Then you use the power up and pray the boss will actually interact with it(napalm, mines) so you can finish the fight. To shake things up the final boss will randomly not register hits of EMP, tactically wasting your time to weaken your mental resolve. You fight three of the bosses twice in a row because I guess 21 levels doesn't sound as good as 24 levels in the sales pitch.

The soundtrack is decent, the graphics are OK except for the hilariously bad lack of animations at times(the wobbling helicopters are my favorite), there's nothing to write home about in encounter or map design(some are more annoying than others) and the cherry on top is the bugs. Five times I approached a wall, went up it slightly and got permanently stuck. If I was lucky an enemy would hit me and free me or shoot me and give me a respawn. Otherwise time to restart the level. Enemies get stuck in their own spawns frequently and you can't heal between waves while they exist. This can persist for several waves. Enemies can spawn off the map too but at least you can shoot them to finish the level if it happens in the last wave. Hopefully. I was able to each time so I can only imagine those cursed few who have to restart with 99.9% of the level completed.

There's a story but it amounts to nothing and ends on a cliffhanger. Then there's a bolted on extra chapter that isn't part of the main campaign that continues that story and ends on a cliffhanger. 10 years later and I don't think Wasteland Angel is getting a second bonus episode. I guess the story gives us nice art of an attractive woman.

$10 for a game you can 100% in a light afternoon, the only replay value being if you possess the exact type of inexplicable obsession to care very deeply about higher scores in this game? Don't bloat your backlog.

Время в игре: 176 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.02.2021 18:23
0 0

prices on steam, everywhere, are all over the place. so many free to $5 games are perfect for how small they are and in what they give you and ask you to do. this at 9.99 looks like garbage. theres no trailer on the store page. theres nothing showing the unexpectedly good first person missions. opinions need to be a controlled substance so there go the reviews to tell you this is simply a dumb fun so glad it was on sale for .99 game

the voice acting is charming and the art invokes all the madlands and maxborders. the controls are tight. like you need to hit a guy with one of your guns or youll miss if hes standing between them. laying mines and walls of fire is smooth. nice small moments knowing you didnt just spray and pray. it's polished and responsive

a large city or open environment, like twisted metal or renegade ops, would be really fun. with missions or gangs to hunt down. again, prices are weird. the games got a $10 heart in a f2p bod. it's fun that never lets itself be. cruising tiny arenas fending off ufo trucks sucking up villagers is cool and your car gets stronger but the gameplays as good as all i can concentrate on is the price. it's ok to stowaway in my library. im happy ive seen it and that it was on sale. ive ignored thousands of games i would have otherwise given a shot but, with so much for basically nothing out there, it can feel like a wasteland, waiting on that angel to queue by

Время в игре: 23 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.07.2020 21:26
0 0

Wasteland Angel - Review.

NOTE The shown Playtime is not my real Playtime I played it offline so it does not show my real Playtime.


There were none not a one Props to the Developers with that one.


It was okay not amazing but I enjoyed it well enough especially for the price.


It's not amazing but again I liked it well enough.


Angel is nice I really liked the Art Style the Developers went with so that was nice.

What I would Change.

The Helicopters are annoying really, really annoying mainly the fact that you can't shoot at them unless they are on the ground.


I got it on sale for like $0.50 or something so over all It was a very good game for the price and If you like somewhat lighthearted wasteland games please give it a try.

Время в игре: 10 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 25.03.2018 10:33
2 0

4/10 Rating
The story is a bit loose and funny at the same time. I must say this isn’t worth the time or money even on sale price… Sorry but this is true as the objectives doesn’t really change as all you do is drive around and kill the bandits that tries to capture the people you need to protect. What were really nice are the boss fights and the bonus levels.

Время в игре: 193 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.07.2017 16:19
5 0

Excellent artwork and mostly entertaining gameplay help this game earn a recommendation. Some of the level designs and AI mechanics quickly, however, turned it into a true test of patience. Enemy cars frequently crash into each other and steering is stiff and often hindered by the environment. Trying to navigate the pause menu with a controller was a nightmare and unresponsive most of the time.

On the plus side, the path to a 100% achievement rate was one of the most satisfying I've encountered yet.

Время в игре: 284 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.03.2016 00:40
0 0

Female protagonist. Good little story. And running over people is strangely satisfying.
The bonus levels are especially fun and you can get all acheivements in around 3-4 hours of gameplay.
Definitely recommend this game for a little stress relief.

Время в игре: 253 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 17.09.2015 02:11
7 0

Literally hundreds of customers since 2011 have voiced that they can't get this game to work. Meridian the publisher and technical support to this game does absolutely nothing about it. Four years and still no working game, no technical help no matter how many times you email them. This game needs to be taken off the Steam store forcing the developers and publisher to re-address all teething issues. The fact that they continue to slog the unaware public $10.00 for a product that does not work is a testiment on how uncaring this company is and the fact that Steam also has turned a blind eye is not flattering to their customer support either. DO NOT BUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Время в игре: 7 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.05.2015 06:15
1 0

So, I got me four hours in Wasteland Angel. In that time I've cleared it's story mode and gotten all of its achievements (the first Steam title I've managed to get all achievements on; go me!)

But is it worth your time? Absolutely. There's a decent amount of content here, given you can get the game at a low cost (for example, with a coupon) but at it's normal cost it's not necessarily worth it. So keep that in mind.

The game is basically a twin stick arcade shooter. You drive with WASD, and shoot with your left mouse button and the right mouse button uses special weapons. You drive around, blow shit up, save civilians, and collect power-ups. It's pure mindless fun, with no completed story, or level up systems, or anything of the like. It's plain simplicity, which you need sometimes.

The levels also culminate in big boss battles, with the first two being relatively easy and the last boss (whom you fight twice) being a big pain in the ass. You also get four difficulties (I played on Medium) and leaderboards if you're the sort who strives to be the best at the game. And you also get bonus levels at the end of the normal levels, which are played from a first person perspective. If you ask me there should be an option to play the whole game like this as it is pretty fun. There's a racing, survival, and frenzy that come up at specific points in the game.

All in all, it's not the greatest game out there but I truly recommend it to anyone who might be interested.

Время в игре: 196 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.02.2015 18:08
2 0

To put it simple, this game is a mindless kind've fun. Just launch the game, blast a whole lot of baddies and collect all 40 achievments. It is no masterpiece of course, but for a budget priced game, you get a good amount of value out of your money. The only isue I have with it is the scoring system. One of the bonus levels make it virtually impossible to lose, and I was racking up points for over 15 minutes..but after you hit the max points, your score resets into the negatives. This happened at least 3 times throughout that level and ruined the fun of the scoring system for the rest of the game. Overall Recommended though ^_^

Время в игре: 67 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 09.08.2014 21:08
2 0

I don't want to take a large crap on this game because let's be honest. Take a look at the screenshots and you get what you think you are going to get. It's a top-down car shooter. If that is all you want then by all means.

If you want more, then look elsewhere. There are some pretty large bugs, such as randomly getting flipped over, enemies getting stuck off the map and you can't recharge at end of "waves", bosses glitch out and just spin in circles with their aimbots. (Mutant Boss could hit me ANYWHERE on the map) and overall it's just not a fun experiance.

If you are in it soley for the achievements, then it's not too bad. I finished the game in just over 2.5 hours and got them all while just doing the story.

Would not recomment, especially not at the current price of 9.99.

Время в игре: 124 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 06.08.2014 17:23
27 0

I tried to like this, I tried to finish this. But... it wasn't to be. Having had quite a bit of fun with top-down drivers in the past, be they racers or shooters, I had high hopes for Wasteland Angel. While it wasn't the worst game I've ever played, the game still disappointed on almost every front. Although... if you are an achievement hunter, the 40 achievements are not TOO difficult to acquire...

The campaign is only 6 chapters/levels divided into 2 missions, one boss fight, and one bonus mission - very short indeed. The plot was essentially irrelevant. Worse yet, the game is incredibly repetitive and boring. Every chapter plays the same way, with the same enemies painted differently - only 3 generic enemy types, doing the same thing, over and over. And you, defending against them for wave on end. The maps are stale and all have the same objective: defend one area. Once during the day, once during the night, and then the same thing with two towns... Even the additional/optional objectives don't really bring anything interesting to the game: escort a vehicle to the town, pick up some crates, become a turret. However, the bonus missions are all the same and incredibly strange: changing you from a top-down view to a first-person view, where you either race for checkpoints or kill as many enemies as you can.

While the game offers weapon upgrades, they are arbitrary and do not carry over from a past map - every mission sees you start with the most basic weapons. Killing enemies and running over pick-ups automatically gives you more/better weapons. Sadly, you are unable to tinker with either your vehicle, or your weapons yourself.

Then there were the bugs. Being stuck in mid-air, enemy AI resulting in them being stuck and unable to move, and therefore unable to be killed (especially the bosses). This is complemented by the top-down camera angle, which can be blocked by terrain, causing you to get stuck. The automatic 180 degree reversal whenever you reach the edge of the map (which also isn't particularly well delineated) was also disorientating. These issues were exacerbated by the controls: while it may not be the case for everybody, the controls were very sluggish and laggy for me, making it incredibly difficult to turn.

Время в игре: 246 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.06.2014 13:57
1 0

Honestly, this game is exactly what it presents itself as - a fast-paced, post-apocalyptic arcade-style game focused around vehicular combat. Within that mold, there's some aspects I appreciate quite a lot.

1) Civilian towns. The primary objective is not just to survive against all comers, but to protect towns full of civilians - this often, at least for me - created situations where I had no choice but to hold off on blowing up targets trying very hard to kill me in order to protect civilians. This particular feature just seems very well designed - you've got enough heallth to sacrifice some if you have to in order to protect civilians, the game smoothly increases complexity from one town on a flat map to multiple towns on a map covered in impassable terrain obstacles, etc. If a bunch of civies are walking back to town after the transport which took them is exploded and you or an enemy runs them over, they die, etc. It's little things like that which make a good game a great one or a bad game okay.

2) Unit variety. Within the central mechanic of protecting these towns of civilians, there are three opposing factions each with different effective gameplay. Within each faction, there's a unit which specializes in killing you, a unit which just captures civilians, and a unit which does both. Bandit forces are fairly easy to destroy, but they move quickly so their civilian capturers need to be destroyed immediately. Military units are tough but slower than bandits or yourself, with their dual-purpose unit having a nasty attack rendering it necessary to adopt hit and run tactics against them. Cultists put you on the run with waves of station wagons loaded with explosives, then land their helicopters (invulnerable in flight) next to towns to carry off the civilians giving you only a very limited opportunity to stop them. The final few stages of the game don't even need to introduce ultra-powered units or anything - they just mix and match units from all three factions.

3) Power ups. While health and +Forward Firepower power-ups do exist, the majority are in the form of traps such as spike strips, turrets, and pouring napalm out of the rear of your vehicle. Honestly, they're very well done with unique effects on the targets and I wish I'd used them more often (I found it more expedient to just shoot them, but I was playing on mid-level difficulty.)

The story is largely perfunctory - in the context of diversity, I appreciate the female protagonist easily and effectively slipping into a role which would normally be occupied by a gun-toting cigar-smoking male action hero. Perhaps the most annoying aspect is the constant substitution of "shuggin" for a certain word being with "F". It irritated me to the point where I just wished they'd go ahead and fucking say it, if it's that much a part of the character. Anyway, I lost track of what exactly we were supposed to be accomplishing before we started defending wasteland communities from evil people, which I suspect may have been intentional. I'm pretty sure the protagonist lost track of her goals as well, given how she willingly pursued powerful boss-level opponents.

That brings me to the bosses - to be honest, they're pretty "meh". Each of the three is only vulnerable to a specific special ability, and that's pretty much their gimmick. One boss shoots fire everywhere, but that's not that dangerous, another is basically a giant tank but its easy to dodge its shots, and the last is one whose secret I will keep. I do note that I ran into a pathfinding issue in the second boss battle - the boss got hung up on the terrain, which is a pretty significant problem given I needed it to run into mines. Fortunately, after the boss' summoned units got me, it didn't happen during the second iteration of the battle.

All in all, at $5, this was a really good way to lose six hours. There's a lot of care put into this simple game, and that carries it well. I recommend it, provided you know what you're gettin into and you don't pay more than 5$.

Время в игре: 247 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 14.04.2014 10:07
18 0

I really enjoyed this game for the first 10-15 minutes, but experience that, and you seen the whole game. Endless waves of the same type of enemy, only the location changes. There is an occassional boss fight, and a first-person experience on bonus rounds, but other than that, it's just a boring, repetitive grind.

Время в игре: 46 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.03.2014 00:23
2 0

Wasteland Angel is a fun, top down vehicle shooter. You shoot wave after wave of bad guys, usually protecting a town, while upgrading your main weapons with item drops, restoring your depleted health with item drops, and picking up secondary weapons like napalm and mines. I really like the art style and tank girl like setting. The voice work by the main actress is very good in a fun sort of way. Its a game I like to pick up for 15 minutes at a time, blow some stuff up, look at the cool artwork, listen to the bad ass main character chick, and then move on with my day. It can get repetitive which is why I recommend playing it in short bursts. Oh, and every once in a while their is a first person view racing level, kind of fun and changes up the pace.

Overall a fun and stylish time killer that plays great with a gamepad.

Время в игре: 147 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.11.2013 01:48
4 0

Nice idea, very nice, but what a bad finish. It could have been great but falls short on just about everything. Real shame. Not sure who's behind the game but if they had some more time (and some more bright ideas and feedback) this might have been a good one.
Don't get me wrong, it's always fun to chase bad guys and shoot em, recieve upgrades and the likes, but it gets real boring real quick here.
Perhaps more fun in multiplayer i suppose. But it gets old real quick in single player.

Can't heartedly recommend.

Время в игре: 87 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.12.2011 02:02
1 0

2-3 hours of extremely repetitious automobile blasting. Very basic mechanics--shoot bad guys, grab power ups. The 3D view bonus levels were the highlight of the game, but even those felt pretty weak overall. On top of it, the game offers no replayability and no differentiation over competition in this genre. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone.

Время в игре: 179 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Octane Games
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 17.02.2025
Отзывы пользователей 55% положительных (80)

Отзывы пользователей

44 положительных и 36 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 10.02.2025 12:53


Action Indie


Single-player Steam Achievements Partial Controller Support Steam Leaderboards Family Sharing