Orcs Must Die! Unchained

Orcs Must Die! Unchained

Steam Store

Разработчик: Robot Entertainment

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Вышло обновление

New Hero: Yi-Lin

Yi-Lin is a quick, melee hero who uses her twin swords to devastating effect. Her use of combos can deal devastating damage as well as provide regeneration making her a true force to be reckoned with. Yi-Lin, the Jade Sentinel has awoken to defend Centre once more against the hordes of orcs, soldiers, and her old enemies – the Wu Xing Dynasty.Learn more about Yi-Lin in the Designing Yi-Lin blog.

New Faction: The Wu Xing, Masters of the Five Elements

The Wu Xing are masters of the five elements. Deadly and resilient they make dangerous foes!
  • Wu Xing Soldiers: These soldiers come in four forms: light, medium, heavy, and ranged. All of the soldiers have magic armor, making physical damage optimal in defeating them.
  • Terracotta Giant: These slow-moving stone giants do not attack players. Instead, they perform a steady march to the rift, slowing any player that gets too close.
  • Red Panda: Despite being called the Red Panda, these minions are actually blue! Be careful, these minions cast a powerful speed buff on allied minions.
  • Water Dragon: This hunter minion focuses on players. Unlike other Hunter minions, this minion has a splash attack, damaging all players within a cone in front of him.
  • Elemental Mages: These mages throw bouncing orbs of elemental energy.

New Maps: Three Brand New Maps

Water Garden - Survival (Apprentice and Master)
The water gardens of the White Tiger Empire appear to be closest to the first attacks by the Wu Xing Dynasty. Defend three breaches to the best of your ability without too much help from wall traps.

Castle Gates - Survival (Master and Rift Lord) and Endless
Breaching the Castle Gates is a solid strategy for the Wu Xing Dynasty. Once inside, defending this open map will be a challenge. Funneling the front gates to one side is imperative.

Midnight Market - Survival (Warmage and Rift Lord) and Sabotage
These marketplaces of the White Tiger Empire are popular night spots. This seems to be exactly why the Wu Xing Dynasty has chosen to attack them so aggressively.

New Feature: Weekly Challenge Matchmaking

The community has requested this feature for quite a while. We are happy to deliver this highly anticipated feature!

Вышло обновление

New Feature: Fast Restart

A highly requested feature has finally arrived! We have added the ability for non-matchmade games to be restarted by the party leader (you cannot restart Chaos Trials or Sabotage games).

New for Endless: Four Endless Maps

Four new Endless maps are now available as part of the Endless Summer event beginning this Thursday!
  • Banquet Hall (Apprentice)
  • Thuricvod Village (War Mage)
  • Highlands (Master)
  • Avalanche (Rift Lord)

New for Sabotage: Map and Consumables

  • Temple Graveyard is now available in Sabotage (Master and Rift Lord).
  • Frost Giants are now a playable minion card.
  • Minions Drop Grenades Buff: Causes player sent minions to have a 50% chance to drop grenades on death.
  • Teleportation Staff: Drops a staff that will teleport players to a random location if they stay within its area for several seconds.

New for Chaos Trials: Modifiers

  • Guardians Damage Allies: Guardian Spin damages barricades and players.
  • Unstable Rift Polymorph: Failing to close an Unstable Rift will cause the entire team to be polymorphed.

New Vanity Items: Skins and Achievement Rewards

New skins are available for Smolder, Hogarth, Ivy, Stinkeye, Maximilian, Cygnus, Midnight, Gabbriella, Bloodspike, and Bionka. A number of avatars, backplates, and titles have also been added as rewards for earning in-game achievements!

Read the detailed patch notes and give us your feedback!


  • Stay up to date on the development of OMDU by following on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Get a behind-the-scenes look at Robot life by following on Twitter and Facebook.
  • Join the community on the official OMDU forums, /r/OrcsMustDie, and the community Discord server!

Вышло обновление

New Hero: Deadeye

Deadeye is an infamous outlaw with a bounty on her head. With each kill, she becomes stronger and more infamous. Her dual crossbows and explosive arrows make her a force to be reckoned with.

Half elf and half orc, Deadeye was adopted into the elven community of the First Grove as a child and raised as Galadra the trueshot. Accused of her adoptive mother High Warden Naya’s brutal murder, Galadra was narrowly apprehended by Ivy, Warden of the First Grove, losing her right eye in the process and becoming Galadra the Deadeye.

Get the full details on her abilities and development in the Designing Deadeye blog!

New Feature: Community Challenges

Exciting news, War Mages! In-game events have been a frequent question and discussion topic within the OMDU community and this update finally delivers a lot of the technology we need to create fun in-game events.

We'll have a lot more to share about this in the coming weeks as we run a few smaller events before rolling out an Endless Summer event later this year. Well, later this summer to be more specific!

New Feature: Pause

A highly requested feature has finally arrived! We have added the ability for solo and non-matchmade games to be paused by any player. Due to the game being online, we cannot pause forever, but you have a significant amount of time to grab a snack!

New for Sabotage: Map and Consumables

  • Stables of Eventide is now available in Sabotage.
  • Polymorph Chicken: added to base set consumables, earned by achievement
  • Armored Satyrs
  • Control Resist Buff
  • Control Immunity Staff
[h1]New for Chaos Trials: Modifiers[/h1]
  • Health Drain (Master and Rift Lord only)
  • Mana Drain (Master and Rift Lord only)
  • Coin Drain (Master and Rift Lord only)
  • Minions Drop Grenades (all difficulties)
  • Periodic Healing Aura (all difficulties)

Read the detailed patch notes and let us know what you think!

Об игре

Мы слушаем вас! Посетите наши форумы и поделитесь с нами своими идеями по улучшению игры.

«Это не просто Orcs Must Die! 3 — это кое-что получше» — Polygon

«К несчастью для орков, это лучшая игра в серии» — PCGames N

«Unchained — достойное продолжение серии Orcs Must Die!» — Hardcore Gamer

Orcs Must Die! Unchained поднимает игровой процесс серии Orcs Must Die! на новый уровень благодаря командному режиму игры для трех игроков! Но не стоит задирать нос: ставки стали выше, ловушки — еще смертоноснее, а захватчики — еще неистовее. Чтобы победить, вам потребуются все ваши навыки и несколько закоренелых орконенавистников!

События Orcs Must Die! Unchained разворачиваются все в том же безумно веселом фэнтезийном мире, что и предыдущие игры серии, спустя несколько лет с момента окончания Orcs Must Die! 2. Множество новых порталов и миров, лежащих по ту сторону, так сильно влекут героев со всех концов света, что те готовы отчаянно драться за них. С момента окончания Orcs Must Die! 2 прошло вот уже несколько лет, но Максимилиан и Габриэлла не сидели без дела: они делали все, чтобы возродить некогда могучий Орден. Их новый враг, Вольные, не безумная орда, дважды потерпевшая крах, но организованная армия, во главе которой стоят могучие герои.

Убивайте орков и прочую безмозглую братию

И снова в игре Orcs Must Die! напряженная динамика сочетается с замысловатыми стратегиями. Объединяйтесь с друзьями, чтобы вместе уничтожать бесчисленные орды вторгшихся монстров! Постройте эшелонированную оборону из всевозможных ловушек, которые изрубят, расплющат, выпотрошат или испепелят врагов, прежде чем те доберутся до вашего портала!

Это определенно ловушка!

Что может быть лучше, чем расставлять смертоносные ловушки на врагов? Разумеется, расставлять новые, еще более смертоносные ловушки! Разблокируйте доступ к новым ловушкам по ходу игры и улучшайте их, чтобы сделать еще более убийственными. Вы можете уставить свою крепость самыми безумными орудиями убийства. И конечно же, можно изобретать все новые и новые способы жестокого, но при этом такого веселого уничтожения явившихся без приглашения монстров! Для каждой битвы можно разработать свою стратегию. Ордам врагов никогда не прорваться, если противопоставить им не только коварство физики, но и мощь магии!

Настоящие герои

Достаточно ли вы сильный маг для того, чтобы защитить свои порталы? В новой версии появилось множество неповторимых героев с уникальными стратегиями игры, что позволит вам останавливать вторгшихся орков самыми разными (и, как правило, жестокими) способами. В игре вас ждут не только старые друзья — Макс и Габриэлла, — но и новые: Блэкпоу, Хогарт, Стинк-Ай, Бладспайк и другие. Что бы вы ни предпочитали — мощь и величие или подлость и вероломство, — вы обязательно найдете героя (или героиню) по своему вкусу!

Ваши любимые способы умерщвления врагов

В режиме выживания можно собраться с друзьями в команду из трех игроков, чтобы изничтожать несметные полчища орков. Этот режим непременно понравится фанатам игры Orcs Must Die! Еженедельные испытания и ежедневные задания дают шанс получить доступ к дополнительным ловушкам и деталям для их улучшения. Давно полюбившийся пользователям бесконечный режим получает новое воплощение в Orcs Must Die! Unchained в виде расширенной кооперативной игры для трех игроков. А в новом режиме «Саботаж» две команды по три игрока будут досаждать друг другу при помощи заклинаний и боссов, стараясь набрать больше очков портала, чем команда соперников.

Новый «Саботаж»!

«Саботаж» непременно придется по вкусу любителям самых безумных ловушек и убойных заклинаний. Этот режим может похвастаться не только своей динамичностью, но и принципиально новым игровым процессом. Здесь несколько игроков объединяются для совместной обороны портала. В это время другая команда играет на той же самой карте в некоем призрачном альтернативном мире... или типа того. Используя заклинания, зелья, свитки и огромных боссов, игроки альтернативной команды стараются помешать вам, чтобы лишить вас очков портала. Разумеется, вы сможете ответить им тем же! Побеждает команда, у которой по окончании матча остается больше очков портала.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, russian

Системные требования


  • ОС *: Windows XP SP3
  • Процессор: Intel Core2Duo 2.66GHz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 4000
  • DirectX: версии 9.0c
  • Место на диске: 8 GB

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 20.10.2017 18:02
49 1

I loved Orcs must die 2. I loved in that game you had to be clever with kill boxes to rack up as many points as possible. This game changes the focus on it doesn't matter how you kill them, just kill them fast and don't let anyone through which I feel like people would agree with that more than what I like but to each their own. I wish this game wasn't free to play because now that excuses all the microtransaction BS. This game is fun up until you get to level 20. And then it is extremely boring grinding and by that time I lose interest in the game and have no interest in paying the microtransactions. I never got bored of OMD2 and all I wanted was that exact game but to be 3 players. I was initially excited for this game because of that reason but they made the maps unbalanced and sometimes seems like they can only be played by 4 players.

Время в игре: 1333 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.02.2017 03:53
22 0

When OMDU was announced, I was intrigued since I was a big fan of OMD 1 and 2. I spent many hours on those games. So, an online version was interesting. However, I found the early version of OMDU not very appealing. The graphics weren't good, peformance was poor, and I hated Siege mode. I tried it and didn't get it, so I left. It wasn't my job to force myself to like it when I have so many other games accessible to me I naturally loved. OMDU was initially so far off from what I enjoyed so much from OMD 1&2.

When I saw the acknowledgement in Version 1.6 that Siege mode was a failure and that renewed focus would go back to Survival mode, I was willing to come back and try it. Robot Entertainment acknowledged that they noticed that once people tried Siege mode, people never came back. Siege mode was running their fans off and they needed to put a stop to that. As far as I was concerned, that spoke to me and they finally "got it". They understood why people loved OMD. It was going up against hordes of monsters and beasts and having a lot of fun killing them in a cartoonish manner.

I always enjoyed how "deaths" were portrayed as funny, cartoonish slices of meat and other Rated G portrayals. No zombie gore type of stuff. I loved the humorous quips and remarks that came out of all the various characters both the good guys and the bad guys.

OMDU 1.6 was better but still very rough in terms of graphics and playability. There were quite a few performance related bugs which hurt the appeal. But with OMDU 1.7, as far as I am concerned, got it really right. That is the turning point. And with the OMDU 1.8, it is just fabulous.

I log in every day. Robot Entertainment is successfully convincing me to log in every day if for no other reason than to get the rewards even if I don't have time or energy to play. Very smart to reward people coming back every day. I think it can get better with OMD 1.9 but I am enjoying OMD 1.8 a lot! And the adding of Steam Achievements is just fabulous.

I was initially very skeptical of OMDU up to version 1.6 but Robot turned a significant corner beginning version 1.7.

If there were any skeptics before or people who were turned off because it was far from a follow-up of OMD2, I think they need to come back and take a good relook. And those people who might have had negative reviews might end up changing them to positive reviews.

Let's do our part and make sure that old negative reviews are updated fairly. Robot should be rewarded with some positive words because they are on the right path. They got beaten up early on and it was justified. But I believe they need to be complimented for being honest, open, and making a huge turn. Reward them with an HONEST positive review if you think they got it right. I am unhappy the Steam review says Mixed because it is unfair. Robot Entertainment deserves better. Because the happier and larger the fanbase, the more all of us benefit individually.

OMDU 1.8 is very different now and much improved to OMDU 1.6 and earlier. Believe me!

P.S. The number of hours I've played/logged on OMDU on Steam does not count all the unrecorded hours of OMDU outside of Steam.

Время в игре: 4405 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 24.02.2017 23:00
37 3

I gave it a chance.

-seems it has good potential
-variety of heroes and defense towers
-variety of enemies (as far as i had gone)
-variety of strategies (as in 1 build only, at least as far as i had gone)

-open beta, but has cash shop (your way past beta stage imo)
-unlocking new heroes should be at a consistant set price, otherwise it looks p2w
-unlocking new towers is a chore
-upgrading towers is a chore
-lot of redundant defenses, and most of them arent that good until its optimized
-your stuck with that spike trap and archer wall forever
-the reward system for doing content is lacking, too grindy

-map layouts seem well thought but defenses are lacking

Likely won't play again.

Время в игре: 381 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.02.2017 20:46
5 0

Having played both of the previous games, I noticed all the bad reviews & went in expecting my favorite tower defense to be butchered. That just isnt the case! Heres the scoop for me. OMD has always had a certain amount of "replay burn out" to it. Once you would hit so many skulls in the previous games, you maxed out the upgrades to traps, though OMD 2 was alot more replayable.

This game offers a massive amount of depth to it, with all the new upgrades. I am also very fond of all the new heros you can play, and while some of the changes(gaurdians are the big one for me) are a bit odd, the game flows together quite nicely.

I am still in my early stages of playing it, but so far I see alot of potential given this is only the beta, & with their free to play model? Its a solid nice fun game, & the grind isnt boring. I like to play this on breaks when I am working, or as a short little thing to do before bed.

I expect to be playing this for many hours in the future.

Время в игре: 496 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.02.2017 05:17
22 1

I didn't played for long, however, that short amount of playtime is enough for me to get the idea that I do not like this.

I totally love Orcs Must Die 2, every level is another challenge and you need to think of the different traps that could be the most effective or most creative to play with. This, on the other hand... does not really need you to do that. When I played with my friend, all we did was spam spam spam and kill as much orcs we can with our hero abilities... we did not rely much on the traps and unlike OMD2, the orcs do not react to the physics of your attacks.. much? I recall the primary attacks do not make the orcs pause or react at all. Remember the times where you could charge a huge blow and send the orcs flying, that's fun.

UX wise, i personally feel this is a downgrade from OMD2. Being a game dev myself I understand there needs to be some adjustments when there are some additional game mechanics added but making less of what was before is boterhing me as a gamer.

Overall, this game reminds me of Heroes of the Storm... but if I were to play games like that, I'd rather play HOTS.

Время в игре: 89 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 16.02.2017 20:23
7 0

I don't know why people do not like this game, but i do not share their opinion.
I've played orcs must die 2 a little bit, and this one way more.

It's really fun to think of a way to lead the orcs to the most efficient kill zone for them filled with traps. Very satisfactory to kill loads of them and get combo's.
I also like that you can play with 3 players coop.

While playing alone it's easy to complete a map, but it is hard to do so while staying within the time limit and getting 5 stars. Also pretty hard to play coop since the orcs become stronger then.

Lastly i want to add that at the time of writing this the game has enoug players to enjoy playing online.

Время в игре: 1727 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.02.2017 07:11
4 0

It's a tough pill to swallow when a favorite game series goes free-to-play. But I gave this one a chance, and honestly I have no complaints. My wife and I are about 40 hours in...not a paywall in sight. That's more hours than we get out of most premium games. If it keeps up like this, great! If it gives us pay options that will make the game even more fun, we may make use of them. But if it descends into pay-to-win hell, we'll move on to the next game.

Время в игре: 2381 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.02.2017 07:34
25 0

I want to preface this by saying I absolutely love the OMD series. I've recommended the first two games to pretty much everyone I know and then some. So when I have to say I don't recommend this, it saddens me quite a bit.

This game feels like, as a friend of mine put it, a chinese knock off of OMD. The game feels far more shallow and bland than the original two games, and as far as polish goes, it feels like the project of someone who never made a game before in their life.

Visually and musically, it looks and sounds great. But when it comes down to the actual gameplay, its like they stripped everything fun or strategic from the game. Now you need to upgrade your traps by collecting hundreds of copies of them to increase their stats minutely. Weapon variety has gone completely out the window, instead replaced by several different characters. Weapons which used to offer different gameplay now are just activatable passive buffs to damage now from what I can tell. Also it seems like headshots are gone? Attacks feel generally weaker, and for some reason theres both a cooldown and mana cost associated to secondary abilities. Which wouldn't be bad, but it seems like the abilities themselves have such a long cooldown that for some characters you couldn't hope to drain your mana enough to ever get down to even half.

I will say that the game isn't terrible. Its playable for certain, but it feels incredibly bland and lifeless compared to the other entries. If you absolutely must play a game like this, there are better options. Smite if you want a more PVP focused game, even Dungeon Defenders 2 is a slightly better PVE experience, though not by much.

Also, for a game thats been in development for what? A few years now, the game feels incredibly unpolished. I'm not sure why it needs to launch a small..browser? Window for basically handling management of traps and buying stuff, then need to launch a full screen game whenever you actually enter a match and visa versa. Kind of weirdly jaring being pulled to fullscreen and back out again every time you finish or start a stage.

Время в игре: 132 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.02.2017 08:32
14 0

Since their latest big change, Orcs must die Unchained has stepped up to what their fans wanted. They removed the pvp (for now, perhaps something to consider later), and have brought the focus back to good old maps, survival, and teamwork. There is a twist this time around, there is an overall progression and a random aspect in how you acquire traps and resources. Just with daily log in you can earn premium currency, skulls and chest containing goodies. Every levels now has 3 leaderboards: solo, 2 players and 3 players. Due to trap and equipment acquisition being random to a level, it leads to not all players having the same trap options at the same level, which may be helpful for high difficulty planing/endless maps.

The game is well worth a try for anyone who think they might enjoy it, it has some decent humor and fun factor. There is just enough variety and challenge to keep many of us going for a while.

There is, luckily, not really a P2W aspect to the game, as the only money exclusive items are cosmetic.

Give it a try and I hope ya'll enjoy it!


Время в игре: 12535 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.02.2017 21:13
1 0

This game is for those who wanted something new from OMD.

OMDU is different. Whether or not you want that is up to you. For a more skill-based game focused on solo play, play the other OMDs. But, if you want to do a game of teamwork and wider-reaching strategy & play with friends or against others, this is a good choice.

Even after the new update, I'm still not completely convinced, especially with the relatively slow progression system, the difficulty of getting 5 stars, and, or course, microtransactions.

Honestly, just play Orcs Must Die 2, it's waaaay better. (OMD1 is ok, but 2nd is a direct upgrade.)

Время в игре: 2609 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 03.02.2017 20:50
1 0

this game.. at first i thought, "hey this seems fun..." then once installed, the server is really bad, keeps disconnecting. I have no idea whats going on... Got some trouble on making account which needs me to go to the main website instead making it in-game. I want to like the game but, fix the damn server. It really annoys me which I have to reconect over and over. Since my other online_requirement games work fine, then why this one shouldn't?

Im serious to developer of this game, this one does have potential. Just, please, fix the server to make it stop disconnect every damn seconds!

Время в игре: 22 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.02.2017 12:33
3 0

I've just started playing MOBA games under 3-4 months ago, and I got to try this one out before the loss of PvE mode, I personally like it back then. Now that it's all PvE, I find it's STILL a lot of fun, solo and team play, on top of that, the people who play are actually helpful, for example, you have a question about ANYTHING, ask, it'll be answered quickly, you can't 5* a map, again ask, lots of players are more then willing to join you and help show you some tricks to help or even help carry you though. The only problem I really see, is the fact that all these bad reviews (mostly about how it's not like the 1st two games - Well it's not them so suck it up princess) may be keeping new players from even trying it.

It's not a pay to play/win/or anything, I haven't spent a dime on it, and I have no problems collecting/earning/passing maps.

Время в игре: 12744 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 31.01.2017 19:11
5 0

It's as if Robot took all the good things about the previous two installments (quick and fluid movement in both map navagation and control input, streamlined UI, fast load times, charming art direction, carefuly crafted map design, and a SINGLE PLAYER/CO-OP EXPERIENCE) and just chucked it all as a desperate ploy to get in on that sweet sweet MOBA money. The franchise was already a blend between shooter and tower defence, this experement pushed things one step too far by flirting with MOBA style vs mode which has permiated into the single player side of the game. Sadly it offers nothing in the way of what fans of the series want, which is often as simple as more of 1 & 2, but with greater map variety and a longer list of scenarios and levels, or at least a map editor and maybe mod support.

Granted this is beta, so much of it's core design feels like a step backwards.

Edit: I'll clarify, while the game is *now* single and co-op, the core mechanics have been designed on a MOBA foundation: https://youtu.be/hXzAahLlCYY?t=7m49s

Those core mechanics have bled through production to the extent that everything looks and feels 'cheapened' for the sake of pvp. Perhaps this has more to do with the engine than the early MOBA direction, I can't say, though other aspects reflect that carry over. Systems for loot, leveling, currency and even difficulty levels are all based around a protracted grind and the fact that you can just outright buy gold and skulls as a microtransaction indicates that while Robot may have backpeddaled away from Unchained The MOBA, they certainly didn't fully re-commit to a proper single or co-op focused experience.

To that end, Robot can now justifiably reap the rewards of a moba while not having to worry so much about hero and item balance. This in turn allows them the ability to lock away disproportionately powerful heros and items behind paywalls and turn a blind eye towards power creep.

What worries me most about all this is that if Robot is commited to turning the franchise into a long term microtransaction engine then we can forget about a proper follow up to the fantastic first two games.

Время в игре: 59 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.01.2017 18:55
1 0

I played (and really liked) OMD 1 and 2. This is a good game and in the spirit of the originals. I wish there were more single player options/dailies etc....the emphasis is really on getting 3 players. Solo most of the levels are VERY difficult. Can't always count on my friends and hate to jump in with a bunch of random allies.

Время в игре: 1191 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 28.01.2017 16:23
1 1

Having actually played through a bit of this game, i'd actually like to give it a good review.

"Why a negative one then?" you ask

Well, simply because the steam version you get here is bloody broken.
I've spent about 2 hours re-installing, checking online, changing passwords and email trying to log in to the game via the game's launcher but it just refuses my password even though i've checked it's correct.

Meanwhile, the starter that pops up on the web browser downloaded version works flawlessly.
So i don't dislike the game, i dislike this steam version. Because it's broken, It's just frustrating trying to get it to work, so if you want to play this, might as well download it from the web browser. It saves you some damn time.

The game itself offers quite a nice new take on the game, all though it's a mixed bag for some. You'll earn new traps as you level up, unlocking more and more on each milestone level that earns you a new title and a new difficulty level, as these traps are made avalible you have to recive them from chests in order to actually get them. Or buy them for skulls (The free currency in the game that you get from playing matches) and it's not that hard leveling up traps, at least not at the start. I guess later on it could get quite tedious, but i haven't experienced that.

The game offers a wider variety of heroes than the previous games have, including some old foes returning as allies (Though as you might've guessed, you gotta unlock them, either with premium or free currency)

Время в игре: 40 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 25.01.2017 05:43
6 0

Game used to be good with 5 player survival, but devs got lazy and couldn't balance the game around 5 and cheaped out and lowered the game down to 3 player survival. At this time I cannot recommend the game until they increase the survival back to 5 players. Aside from that its a decent game.

Время в игре: 285 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.01.2017 23:56
3 0

It's a fun game. This game focuses on the coop experience (which I often feel isn't there in other games), fun strategy (which can take some time to master) and the characters are fun (although I can't say they make themselves particularly interesting to me).

I've played the game for a while now and I heard about how bad it was in the beginning. This was a tower defense game and in the beginning of this, they focused on pvp instead of pve. Thankfully, the makers of this game owned up to that mistake and made a change.

They've also recently been updating the game to improve the interface and it's a lot better now.

My honest opinion: give it a chance. It literally costs you no money (unless you want to spend it) and the community is pretty chill overall.

Время в игре: 5729 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.01.2017 11:42
3 0

If you liked Orcs Must Die 1 & 2 - give this game a chance. Why not? It's free!

A lot of the negative reviews here are, I think, from the first iteration of the game. Since December 2016 there has been a huge update and (for me) this is a significant step in the right direction. They have completely removed the PvP (which never felt right and put me off the game early on) and are now focussing on the 'classic' Orcs Must Die experience - battlegrounds. The PvP set back this game's development but we now basically have an Orcs Must Die 3 with the following changes:

i) Free to Play model, which to Robot's credit is not intrusive, although it does lead to some grind.
ii) Up to 3 players in a team, a natural progression on the 2 player co-op from OMD2.
iii) Tonnes more characters, each of which plays in a unique and interesting way.
iv) Many more levels of difficulty, allowing a significantly more hardcore experience in War Mage, Master and Rift Lord difficulties.
v) Hangover 'balancing' compromises from PvP such as no headshots, slower-than-necessary heroes and server-side infrastructure (meaning no pausing during games and a 'trap cap' of maximum traps per team).

I don't leave many reviews but I've been really enjoying this game so far, and I know how important steam reviews are to developers (and prospective players). There are still issues with the game, but based on the recent changes I feel optimistic. If you gave this a pass before, now might be a good time to dive back in and give Orcs Must Die Unchained a go.

Время в игре: 2899 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 10.07.2016 07:51
45 4

Take everything that was great about Orcs Must Die 1 and 2 and ruin it on purpose with a free to play gimmick?

Sorry, not for me.

Another entry in the series would have been much better with 4-5 player co-op and no free to play gimicks, players that arent slower than snails, and traps that actually work.

Время в игре: 130 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.06.2016 21:09
3 0

Orcs Must Die Unchained undoubtedly suffers from a host of issues including imbalanced characters/traps/traits, an abundance of leavers and AFKers, and a low playerbase (Resulting in long queue times). However, the core tower defense gameplay is extremely solid. You have 15 different characters to choose from (1 of them being currently disabled in the beta), dozens of traps, and a huge number of maps to play on. Killing swathes of orcs and other enemies feels extremely satisfying. The Free 2 Play model is also extremely fair. You can unlock a new hero in 5-10 hours of play, which is incredibly fast compared to other Free 2 Play games that I have played.

Время в игре: 362 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Robot Entertainment
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Metacritic 87
Отзывы пользователей 63% положительных (97)

Отзывы пользователей

61 положительных и 36 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 15.02.2025 05:46


Action Strategy Free to Play


Single-player Multi-player Co-op Steam Achievements In-App Purchases Partial Controller Support Family Sharing