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This is a group where you could chat, socialize, and make friends with other girl gamers since the gaming business/community is dominated by males.


While most people believe Girl Gamers are 'not good looking', as being not that good looking, this is actually more of a stereotype than anything else, and more or less a value judgement. Girl gamers are most often noticed in FPS games as they're more rare there, rather than in MMOGs where there are many female players.

Girl Gamers are very rare, and those that do exist are hunted to extinction by the Guy Gamers.

Girl gamers may also pretend to be a male in order to avoid comments about their gender while gaming, which can make girl gamers seem even rarer. Girl gamers may also be difficult to notice outside of a game, as girl gamers often talk about things besides games while they're not playing them.

Here we see the Girl Gamer in one of her natural habitats, an internet cafe playing a rousing round of Team Fortress 2. We see the male species sit next to her starting up TF2, clearly trying to gain her attention.

Male: So.. are you seeing anyone?
No information given.No information given.