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- [Opa!, Sou DGB, so isso mesmo]
- [Iniciante em animações e em blender]
- [Developer de servidores da valve/discord]
⟪ Brasileiro 🇧🇷, 06/03 ⟫Also: Unpack, view, and search Valve VPK, Garry's Mod GMA, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines VPK, Tactical Intervention FPX, and Fairy Tale Busters APK package files. Pack folders to Valve VPK and Garry's Mod GMA package files. Download items from Workshop. Publish items to Workshop of several games.
Requirements and Features (Request a feature)
Guides, Tutorials, Articles, Reference, Tools
Dead4Mods Discord[discord.gg] (IMPORTANT: Go to #modding for help with using Crowbar; go to #tool_development to discuss the tool itself.)
Discussions Planned Features
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Download Crowbar: Crowbar 0.74[github.com] DO NOT LINK TO THE DOWNLOAD LINK. Link to this group's main page (the page you are viewing). The download links will change, but this page's link will stay the same.
Unzip the 7Z file with 7-Zip[www.7-zip.org]
SOURCE CODE[github.com]
Alternate download links and archived versions
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Donate via PayPal[paypal.me] Do not feel obligated to donate. I love free stuff, too. Consider donating if you've actually earned money somehow from using Crowbar, if you would enjoy giving me a gift, or if you have money to burn.

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