Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 18.12.2018
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- Hello Zomb!e Fans!
ServersZomb!e Islands European Server: zi.zombieislands.com : 27015
Rampage USA Server: rampage.zombieislands.com : 27015
Donation and VIP details:https://steamcommunity.com/groups/ZombieIslands/announcements/detail/641035011378572541
Server IPsZI: / zi.zombieislands.com
Location: London UK
Rampage: / rampage.zombieislands.com
Location: Tampa (FL) USA
Ban Appeals:E-Mail: contact (at) zombieislands.com include your Steam ID or a link to your profile and a brief description of what happened if you recall.
We aim to respond to all ban appeals within 7 calendar days where possible. However in complex cases this may take longer. Please note our admins do not accept appeals made via Steam, Steam Chat or Discord. Thank you in advance for your understanding.No information given.No information given.