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la li lu le lo
This is Buddhism Group this group is here for those who wish to seek inner peace and tranquility. Buddhism is practiced and varied from person to person depending on their out look of the three training or practices these being:

Sila: Virtue, good conduct, morality. This is based on two fundamental principles:
The principle of equality: that all living entities are equal.
The principle of reciprocity: This is the "Golden Rule" in
Christianity -- to do onto others as you would wish them to do
onto you. It is found in all major religions.

Samadhi: Concentration, meditation, mental development. Developing one's mind is the path to wisdom which in turn leads to personal freedom. Mental development also strengthens and controls our mind; this helps us maintain good conduct.

Prajna: Discernment, insight, wisdom, enlightenment. This is the real heart of Buddhism. Wisdom will emerge if your mind is pure and calm.

And even though people think that buddism can only be practiced in solitude, buddhism is ment for the person to be at peice with themselves to reach Nirvana. And buddhism doesnt garanty anything it just asks that you do what you can to be a good person and realize the four noble truths.

Dukkha: Suffering exists: (Suffering is real and almost universal. Suffering has many causes: loss, sickness, pain, failure, the impermanence of pleasure.)

Samudaya: There is a cause for suffering. (It is the desire to have and control things. It can take many forms: craving of sensual pleasures; the desire for fame; the desire to avoid unpleasant sensations, like fear, anger or jealousy.)

Nirodha: There is an end to suffering. (Suffering ceases with the final liberation of Nirvana (a.k.a. Nibbana). The mind experiences complete freedom, liberation and non-attachment. It lets go of any desire or craving.)

Magga: In order to end suffering, you must follow the Eightfold Path.

And if your like me you might have lost faith in other religions and just want to take your problems into your own hands to be happy all the more power to you but if your not like me then thats all you too.

Hopefully you join us and decide to because a buddist practicer.

Sincerely, Kyle (aka) Sully Erna
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