Yamihoon - Twitch & Youtube
(Lucyan Souza)
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- Дата регистрации
- 02.06.2017
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- Um fã de games. Sempre buscando novos games e tendo senso crítico em seu hobby.We are a website that specialises in Alpha and Beta tests. If you are a developer that needs Beta testers, or are interested in beta testing games, Please visit us at http://www.alphabetagamer.com/
The website is updated daily with beta tests, greenlight games and indie game bundle deals. We also feature one alpha or beta test of the week which highlights one up and coming game.
We currently feature hundreds of Alpha/Beta tests, mainstream, indies and Greenlight. With new additions on the main site every day.
Feel free to leave messages about upcoming Alphas or Betas on this page.
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