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О себе
As fast af you will be wrecked ^^
Rz 5,3-6

2nd place Warframe worldwide disruption event

Warframe (time mesured from new start game account, no help from other accounts or clan, also no spending any money to get plat) :
- to complete all starchart missions = 43h
- to get loadout good enough to survive solo till lvl 1000 without using abbilites = 80h
-fastest sortie = 5min 47 sec

JUMP KING, one shot, first try, 6,1h to finish main game (4h 47min in game time). Getting under 1h achievement in next try. Getting under 15 min achievement on 4th try (6h 33min in game time). <3
SSs in photos


3min 12 sec

SuperMeatBoy (using only one hand - swapped wasd keys with arrow keys via keyboard action key):

Serious Sam 3 BFE:
194min 14 sec

Getting all achievements and costumes under 100h in Dead Cells.

Even if i dont play much rtn, i still keep:
Top 1000 in Warframe
Top 1000 in Supermechs
Top 1000 in BTD Battles
Top 1000 in MinerGunBuilder
Top 1000 in MegaBots Battle Arena (had top 20 best)
Top 1000 in BlackDeck
Top 1000 in Mullet MadJack
Top 20 in BeatAim
McOsu highest pp score for normal pp counter on any osu! map (it is loved only) 1066pp on DT,reflex and CS 4,2 but constant 400+ pp on normal skill

(I try check regularly about once per month tho to know if i get down or skil with ranks so if i get lower i just edit this tab)
My best was constant top 1000 in 8 games at same time.

For those who still read, my favourites quotes:

"Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Führer— i cztery krematoria ."

"One Empire, One Folk, One Leader - and four crematoria"

~Tadeusz Borowski

Co zmieniłby pan na terenie gminy?
* Wszystko.
* Hmm. A jakby pan tego dokonał?
* Najlepsza jest metoda warstwowa.
* Na czym ona polega?
* To proste. Warstwa ziemi – warstwa komunistów – warstwa ziemi i warstwa komunistów.

What would you change in the commune?
* Hmm. And how would you do it?
*The layered method is best.
* How would this be done?
* It's easy. Earth Layer - Communist Layer - Earth Layer and Communist Layer.

~ Andrzej Pilipiuk

"It is nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice."
~John Templeton

“Loyalty is a two-way street. If I'm asking for it from you then you're getting it from me.”
~Harvey Specter (Suits)

"Goodbye then. Be safe, friend. Don't you dare go Hollow".
This group will serve as platform for clan related events and such.
Mr20+ and 600h+ ingame.

PV Our sister clan
Mr 10+


Each rank has it's own qualifications a player must meet to be promoted.

Here are some of the basic things that we take notice of that might help you move up the ranks:
- being active in clan chat
- joining raids - I know they will be back 1 day
- talking in discord
- donating to dojo
- participating in clan events
- scoring high on warframe events and tactical alerts
- hosting farming groups and playing with clanmates
- being helpful in chat, joining discussions
- taking initiative and running sage challenges with other people
- sharing your knowledge of the game with others

Getting Kicked or Banned

- Being rude in chat, starting pointless fights and arguments, escalating to childish insults or abusing Caps Lock.
- Being inactive in clan matters or clan chat
- Not participating in Warframe events and clan events
- Harassing other players, spamming chat with capslock

Offline Limits

Exceeding the offline limits will result in a kick. Members that get kicked for offline limits can be invited again no matter if they match the requirements for recruiting or not. Make sure you got someone in the clan that verifies they have been here before and left on good terms.

- Warrior - 15 days
- Remnant - 30 days
- Sage - 50 days
- Officer - 100 days

: --RV--Tag

In order to obtain the --RV-- tag before your name, several criteria must be fulfilled:
- You must acquire the rank of Sage within the clan
- You must be acquainted with the regular players and other tag holders
- You must receive approval from a Warlord

Promotion Requirements

Warrior > Remnant
- Get Verified on Discord
- Donate to the Clan any one of these resources : 30k polymer, plastids or 20k oxium

Remnant > Sage
- Be a member on discord for 3 months
- Inventory Check:
- You must have following frames in either Normal or Primed variant: Volt/Nova/Trinity/Rhino/Nekros/Loki
- You must have the Itzal archwing and achwing launchers
- You must have following focus waybounds unlocked: (Naramon) Mind Sprint / (Zenurik) Void Flow
- Donate to the Clan any one of these resources : 200+ Rares (no control modules) | 100k+ on Plastids or Polymer | 500k+ common like alloy | 10k uncomon like samples | 30+ Fieldrons, Mutagen or Forma
- Complete any 3 challenges from any category from the Sage Challenges section below:
Once sage promotion is obtained:
- You will be given the ability to recruit, use the recruit Spam Message, invite people that pass our requirements.
- Recruiting and Being active in chat will counts toward future promotions for Officer

Further Promotions are subjected to higher standarts of activity within the clan!No information given.No information given.