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О себе

We are a group of people who enjoy the wonderful sound of the music genre Metal [en.wikipedia.org]. If you love Metal aswell then feel free to join our group, but if you just got invited by a friend or are a group collector then rather dont join. The Metal Community is as varied as the humanity itself and because of that you should not hate other people because of their taste. From the extrem subgenres for example black metal to the rather smooth sound of doom metal whatever you like everyone is welcome in this group (and your friends too). Feel free to make a discussion or to post a comment. If you have anything to add or to criticize then contact James (founder of M.C.) , Joey         the admins of this group or one of the moderators down below.


  • The most active users of this get the player of the week spot so feel free to make some                 discussion, comment etc.!

         • Dont be an asshole and respect other peoples opinions!

          Otherwise keep the Irons up and have a nice day! \m/


Wikipedia - Definition of Metal Music[en.wikipedia.org]
Official Satanic Bible - Ave Satanas![muslimvillage.files.wordpress.com]No information given.No information given.