✪ RaGe

✪ RaGe

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WristHaX Gaming Community invites you to our professional GunGame Server. All Our TOP Fraggers (Pub Stars) are going to be invited to become moderators of our Steam Group and become known by all of Our Members.

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WristHaX strives to promote the best Gaming environment for all the ones that have the honor to be a part of our great Community. Through the last years we have been able to develop not only a great gaming experience but also long lasting friendships, as we are more than just a place that provides entertainment.

We are one big family. We believe that our Gaming Community should be built on more than just games. We are held together by the bonds of friendship and the sense of belonging to one great Online Family!
WristHaX Gaming Community invites you to our Professional Gun Game Server. All Our TOP Fraggers (Pub Stars) are going to be invited to become moderators of our Steam Group and become known by all of Our Members.
Our Gaming Servers feature cores of pure Gaming Pleasure.Welcome to the #1 CS 1.6 Gun Game ServerNew York Exclusive Premium Host. Sincerely,WristHaX teaM[url]Twitter [✓][http//Our++Gaming+Servers+feature+cores+of+pure+Gaming+Pleasure._Welcome+to+the+]
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Youtube Channel [✓]No information given.No information given.