- Дата регистрации
- 04.03.2016
- О себе
- Minha nova steam quem quiser me adicionar eu estou aceitando http://steamcommunity.com/id/CoringaDoCs
The League of Legends Gamming Community is a community were we get together and play League of Legends between ourselves. This will help us find people to play with and also to team up with. I have made this group because i am always looking to play with someone and never find anyone. So feel free to add people to play with them yer. HF on League of Legends!!!
The download link to League of Legends is www.leagueoflegends.com and in there shall be the download button>!!
Plz give this a Try it a great game to play with mates or online mates.
If you're a runescape player check out this new runescape private server where you can make heaps on money, build 99 stats and gamble within minutes!!.... http://pvp.varrockps.com/forums/
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