¡ Midnight ¡
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 27.02.2016
- Страна
- HM
- О себе
- Instagram [www.instagram.com]
Trade Offer
Post a Clear Reason On My Wall Before Adding Me Or U Will Be IgnoredOnly the true ninjas, pure of heart, are allowed in this group.
Steam Group & Chat RulesOnly English
Respect the other members and be polite to them.
No boosting/cheating services,advertising
Don't spam, once is enough.
No Fake Giveaway Discussions/Comments
No "rep for rep" "comment for comment" "rate for rate" Posts, No Tradelinks or Trade posts.
Don't tag everyone in the group chat
Don't begUseful TopicsAnyone who breaks any of these rules will receive a punishment from 1 month to permanent ban.F.A.Q
Official Discord Server[discord.gg]
Official Website[sparkles.ninja]
Official YouTube
Official Facebook Page[www.facebook.com]No information given.No information given.