Rightman29 (TRADING)

Rightman29 (TRADING)

(Jason Bourne)
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О себе
I gamble in CSGO Reaper. IM over watch. I am the MENS SQUAD CLAN LEADER. I like to play FPS and survival games.Im rich as ♥♥♥♥. If you got money spend it. Add me as a friend we can play sometimes Watch me on Twich Rightman290 videos of me playing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuyz1qRCeJU&feature=youtu.be my youtube channel like subscribe thanks
DONALD J TRUMP is the greatest he going to make america grreat agin god bless America. He for the people he gonna go kick ISIS ass and build the great wall that gonna get these dirty mexican out of our great country and bring jobs back to America. Trump you got my support and my thanks I love you let go America. My Skype Rightman29. My Discord is https://discord.gg/t7Hzt2d join this if u want CHAT. For FRIENDS and MEN SQAD MEMBERS ONLY.
SKIN TRADER PLUS BUYERS I USE My skin to gamble and get more skins. Add me if u need anything. I pay only lower for skins i only do if i relley like the skin. I steam pay for ur skins or i can send you money on paypal.
I am now taking FREE CASES to try and cure cancer. Scammer know this all will be reported and banned. Report Scammer http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198321212545 http://steamcommunity.com/id/SubsidizeOG http://steamcommunity.com/id/mastermastermaster http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198334019535
TRADE URL https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=321305261&token=_p9Sp0ey
Rightman29 is clan leader. He is the only clan leader and he is the best leader u will get. U will fight along side me and die by my side like brothers. I will do the same for u. I will lead this sqad to victory. Bottum 3 fraggers will be kicked if it continues. If disobey orders u will be kicked if u Betray me u will be kicked I am leader u are my soilders. See u on the battle field soilders.No information given.No information given.