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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 31.10.2015
- О себе
- No information given. Welcome to Rust ArmyRust Army|3X|Loot+|Kits|TP|Home|Insta|NoLag
Server IP 3x:
Server Voting:Click Here[rust-servers.net]
Join Our DiscordClick Here[discord.gg]
Rust Army is a modded rust server dedicated to helping the community. We strive for perfection and excellent staff
We aim for the best we will do everything in our power to improve the player experience. Our server runs on oxide with several mods.
Server Rules And Guidelines No hacking/use of illegal software
No manipulation of your network connection to cheat/glitch
No looking up other players social media pages and talking about it in game
No over the top or constant personal attacks towards other players
No abusing glitches/exploits
No spamming of in game chat and/or offensive/racist language
Don’t Advertise other servers/websites
No impersonating admins and/or other players
No voice spamming by holding down the mic button for an extended amount of time
Do not use a VPN, you may get permanently banned----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rust I.O
3x Server. http://playrust.io/map/?
2xServer. http://playrust.io/map/?
Donator Perks https://sdonate.com/stores/rustarmy/
Server Discord[discord.gg]
Voting 3x[rust-servers.net]No information given.No information given.