Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 02.10.2015
- О себе
- No information given.Hello! Welcome to TeamTorva! A CSGO community that is welcomed to EVERYONE! Race, Rank, Sexuality and nationality.
Here is a quick history: Torva was founded after mulitple attempted CSGO groups failed due to disputes. Torva is founded on the ideology of peace and democracy. With no true 'leader' but we have a small number of board members that help decide debates.
Anyone may join TeamTorva! Even you! We have three tiers of players, but mainly two.
Member- Anyone that may join, que up, join TorvaDiscord, practice with the team and generally have fun!
TorvaTeam - Top 10 players (decided by board members) based on communication, skill and commitment. The top 5 players will play in official tournaments. TorvaTeam members have a much higher commitment and overall love for the team! more info is provided on our future website.
Board Members - Johnson, 777, KuroTorvus, MurMur. These members are the soul voice for the members. "elections" are held after major disputes or over time. The 3 members vote on player positions, kicking and where to take the team next
TeamTorva is a serious clan with weekly practices, quizes, contracts, etc. Yet we still have fun and do not let the game take over our lives. We just want to have fun AND be amazing! We hope to see you on the member list soon!
Please look at our discussions to learn more about the specifics! Friend, talk and love!
No information given.No information given.