Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 14.09.2015
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- Hi I'm Majora
Retro gaming enthusiast
Look for me in the Sunset
And we're proud of it!
This is a safe space for anyone who identifies as non-cisgender... this includes FTM, MTF, genderqueer, androgyne, bigender, and anything else you can think of.
Make sure yo unprivate your profile when requesting to join!
Not transgender? You're still welcome, as long as you're supportive!
Have a troll giving you shit? Notify an admin, detailing what happened and the username of the troll. We'll make sure no trolls are allowed in to the cool kids club.
A few simple Rules Don't be an asshole! (this includes but it not limited to racist, sexist, and genderist related "jokes")
Use common sense, this links in with the above rule, but as of recently certain people have been disrupting the group chat, using the defence "its not listed on the rules, so it's okay to say". Don't do things that you wouldn't do in public; e.g, aggravate other users, start arguments, talk about controversial topics that may upset other people, etc.
Don't ask for dates!
Don't be a chaser!
This is not a fetish group!!!
Try to keep things civil and understand that you are sharing the chat with 9000 other members.
Do not troll or spam the chat/comments/forum!
Try really hard not to be a creep!
Try to avoid being too lewd (don't talk about things of a sexually intimate nature)
Speak English only please.
Basically, keep it civil. Arguments are fine, flame wars aren't. Discrimination is bad, m'kay. We're all here to have a good time and make friends. Please drop into our chat, or check out our discord! :) Also, just in case you missed it, this isn't a role play group.
Community Subreddit
Community Discord[discord.gg]
Here are some links compiled by the lovely Captain Carbonado. We hope you find them useful!
WPAT[wpath.org] (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) is the organization currently tasked with standardizing trans care worldwide. On their website you will find a number of resources regarding transition, including;
Information regarding standards of care physicians must follow when providing gender-affirming care
Where you can find local WPATH-approved providers
and More!
Transgender Law Center[transgenderlawcenter.org] is the largest trans-led American civil rights organization. Here you will find lots of invaluable information and resources regarding trans life in the US, especially topics regarding the law.
Transgender Map[transgendermap.com] is a privately owned blog/guide site called Trans Road Map. It has information and resources for transitioning as MtF and FtM. If you are just thinking what transitioning may involve, this may be the best place to start.