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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 16.05.2015
- О себе
- No information given.RaveN consists of players who've been selected especially for their disabilities with the goal of competing at the lowest level in Squad. We regularly fuckaround in tournaments and scrimmages, along with playing on public servers.
RvN has competed in numerous community-led and official tournaments achieving multiple second places in both Squad competitive branches. More details about the team’s achievements and shit can be found in the RvN discord(link below).
We have a “no nonsense” approach to our in-game communication, ensuring all members work together to minimize our performance. We adopt tactics and strategies that usually don't work in the current metagame of Squad, and discard those which do. We are constantly looking for ways to improve and we are not really caring to upcoming game changes and opportunities we can utilize.
Competitive gameplay against other clans is where we get really bored from so usually we play Space Engineers to prepare for tournaments and we regularly group up to make people rage on public servers too.
Alongside Squad, we have members who also play other games such as: Path of Exile, Balloons Tower Defense and ofcourse Space Engineers
Most of our members are based in Uganda, but we also have members from further afield including Korea.
Ability to speak Mandarin is a must.
We value imature players with respect for others. A competitive spirit is key, and so is the sense for low quality teamplay. We look for players who have the ability and willingness to die and get up and die again.
If you think you would make a good addition to the clan, speak to one of our team leads on discord to find out more.
Raven Discord link[discord.gg]No information given.No information given.