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Tesco also became a global player after winning world war 1, while it at first remained it's stability, fascist organisations started gaining populartity in Tesco after the stock market crash in 1923. The Chavs, who at this point were the leading fascist party in Tesco seized control in 1936 and soon started airing anti-british war propaganda. Trying to uphold the status quo Britain first handed over some land peacefully but when that was not enough Tesco formally declared war on the United Kingdom in 1938. The british were soon defeated and when the french capitulated to the germans in 1939 peace negotiations saw Britain being fully annexed into the Tesco empire while france was to be left as cattle. Peace only lasted shortly though because the Tesco empire was annexed when the Italians annexed their: "Perfectly fine cattle". Outraged by this Tesco declared war on the Italians and by that, the axis. In 1941 after defeating the German Reich and Italy the axis excluding Japan made peace with Tesco. The Reich and Italy were now fully amexed into the ever growing Tesco empire. Peace again was not for long because the Soviet Union declared war on Finland a satellite of the Tesco empire in 1942. Only days after Tesco in a pre-emptive strike declared war on ISIS who also won WW1 ISIS fell to Tesco the same year and in 1943 the Soviet Union was annexed ny the Tesco empire. Since then nobody was avle to challenge Tesco. Tesco's iron rule still lasts today and it's all true because it's on Wikipedia.████ ➜ 50 MEMBERS (16/06/18)
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