- Дата регистрации
- 07.01.2015
- Страна
- CX
- О себе
- Альянс, цель которого не понимает цели войны, не имеет смысла или ценности. Альянсы созданы только для борьбы. И как бы далеко ни находился конфликт в момент заключения пакта о союзе, тем не менее, перспектива вооруженной реализации является его непосредственным поводом для этого.
(Een alliantie waarvan het doel het doel van oorlog niet begrijpt, heeft geen betekenis of waarde. Allianties zijn alleen gemaakt om te vechten. En hoe ver het conflict zich ook bevindt op het moment dat een alliantiepact wordt gesloten, het vooruitzicht op een gewapend besef is echter het intieme voorwendsel om dit te laten gebeuren.)
(An alliance whose purpose does not understand the purpose of war has no meaning or value. Alliances are made just to fight. And however far away the conflict may be at the moment of concluding an alliance pact, the prospect of an armed realization is, however, the intimate pretext for it to happen.)
🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴Hey there, I receive a lot of friend requests, but Steam does not allow me to have more than 2000 friends and I cant accept all of you. So i decided to create a group where everyone can ask me any questions that he wants. I will try to answer on every question, but i can't guarantee that I will be able to answer on all your questions, anyway I will try to do my best. Probably most of the questions will be about trading, price checks and etc. But I am also ready to answer on other kind of questions that will be interesting for me :)
Some Rules :)
There is some simple rules you should follow, i know it looks boring but i must do it to avoid spam and other issues...
1) So first of all you dont need to ask/beg any kind of skins or items, i won't give any of my skins. Also, I will delete your messages if you do insist on posting a comment about it (of those begging/asking for skins) and if you dont stop i will have to ban you for 1 day.
2) Speak English, please. Respect each other.
• I will delete comments that are in any other language besides English.
3) Before you write something, please, look at "Popular Discussions".
For example, if you want to get a price check about some items you dont need to write it at the "comments", you can just find a discussion called as "Price Checks" and ask your question here.
4) If you trying to add Fortuna in steam, please, leave a comment on his profile so he can answer as fast as possible or just accept you :)
For now that is all, Probably, will add some more rules in future, thanks to everyone!
I have decided that I will attempt to be online everyday in the group chat, answering your questions (but i cant promise you that i will be able to answer as soon as you send a message), so in the group chat you can directly ask me some questions or make me an offer, but if i am not answering i am probably away or busy dealing with something else, so dont get me wrong, I am not trying to ignore you on purpose. Thank you for understanding and have a great day :)
My Steam Profile
My TwitterNo information given.No information given.