(☯ wow ☯)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 09.01.2015
- О себе
(1) Don't leave hate comments and if that were to happen they would be deleted or replied to appropriately
(2) Don't hate on my hours on C.S.G.O, most of them are idle hours...
(3) I don't trade, so please don't ask
(4) If I added you, it is probably because I had a game with you or you seem chill... vice versa
Ranks Rank before Update: MGE {highest I have been}
Rank currently: GN1
I mostly hang out with any ranks, I don't really care
A Bit about Me
☯ I am an organized person
☯ I love science: anatomy, biology, physics and chemistry
☯ I like it when people speak to me maturely
☯ I love CSGO
AGE: 15 years old
http://rtz.tvNo information given.No information given.