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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 21.12.2014
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- Nothing here...Beans Bodacious tf2 Club Of Awesome!
Beans Bodacious tf2 Club Of Awesome is a group that is ment to be fun and to bring people together in the steam community. There is all sorts of events going on From Giveaways to helping each other!
What is going on So far its a new and empty group and not much is happening, the more people that join and communicate the more this group will develop, at the moment im trying to keep it fairly simple with giveaways, raffles, Q/A, and maybe spycrab.
TAG there is a tag you are welcome to use, it is ☞Bean☜ If we notice people using the ☞Bean☜ tag there will be special giveaways to thank them for the support! using the tag during raffle time and taking it off immadiately after is not good, we love everyone and there is a few raffles + giveaways for ALL! and a few special Giveaways for the more contributed members. Peace to all, More daily raffles.
Wishlist We will have a sorta big raffle at 100 members and
a bigger one at 1000. Unusual?...
Owner: Bipolar-Bear
Co-Owner: Ravenfight790
Co-Owner: WafflyWaffle
Admins: Prescient
Admins: TheMoonGuy
Admins: Emergency Communist
Admins: Ninodonlord
Admins: GaigeArmage
Player Of The Week: Ninodonlord
Contributor Of The Month: You?
Linked groups
NOW WE ARE LINKED WITH Ogar's group of raffles and stuff http://steamcommunity.com/groups/Ogarsgroup
NOW WE ARE LINKED WITH The Epic Raffle (TF2,CS:GO) http://steamcommunity.com/groups/theepicraffle
Another Partner group! The Moon Guys Raffles And Trades!
Another Partner group! When Moglins giveaway games
Anything is good (Donators will get extra slots in giveaways and maybe raffles) and also i wont take everything ^_^
Donators: (We dont need coupons and if you donate us a crate dont expect to be classified a s a donator) ^_^
Sir Merks-alots's Stream <3[www.twitch.tv]
Backpack.tf , that 'price checking' site[backpack.tf]
Tf2 Outpost , A virtual market place to meet all of your limitless backpack dreams..[www.tf2outpost.com]No information given.No information given.