o a k 真
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- Дата регистрации
- 28.11.2014
- О себе
- e n d l e s s. ライフ
Search deep inside.
Find it in yourself to forgive, to love and to be kind. 愛 The Way I Go By Myself
I never act contrary to traditional morality.
I have no partiality for anyone or anything.
I think little of the world but much of the lord.
I am entirely free of acquisitiveness throughout my life.
I never regret what I have done.
I never envy others for their good luck, or on account of my ill luck.
I never grieve at parting from anyone or anything at whatever time.
I never reproach either myself or others; never complain about myself or others.
Likes and dislikes, I have none.
Whatever my dwelling house may be, I take no objection to it.
I never desire dainty food for myself.
I never have antique objects or curios in my posession.
I would never grudge my life in the cause of righteousness.
I never wish to have any estate that would make my old age comfortable.
I worship God in heaven, but never think of depending on him.
I would sooner lay down my life than disgrace my good name.
Never for a moment does my heart and soul stray from the way of the weapon.
I am invincible under the sun.No information given.No information given.