

(Junior Rinco)
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О себе
Ta olhando oque, sua PERANHA What do you do!?
We giveaway games using many different methods, including Discord chat key drops, our on-site Treasure Trove and our own official giveaway platform![]

How do I win!?
The Discord chat is a good start, regulars get more chances of winning as keys are often randomly dropped in chat. But looking out for our announcements and events in your activity feed helps too. ALL our giveaways are announced and usually more than once!

Join us on Discord here:

Why Opium Pulses? There's LOADS of giveaway groups...
To our knowledge, we're the biggest active community, who actually giveaway games (for no personal gain) daily on Steam, giving away more than 100,000 individual games since we launched. We giveaway because we LOVE it, not cause we can get something out of it.

Where does OP get the games?
Currently we obtain games to giveaway in various ways, mainly Steam deals, bundles and games from our own store. We put money into this group to give back to our members and we're damn proud of it! Secondly we have connections with many great developers who generously like to share their games with our community from time to time.

To earn free Steam games, just by completing simple "quests". A guide to using Opium Pulses Quests can be found here.

Why not check out the Giveaways, Arcade & Store on our website?

Some of our friends
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Who's Gaming Now?!
Games BoltWe're currently seeking talented gamers to help build and mould our brand into something truly unique that members of our community can feel an attachment to.

Please visit our official pages top right & below.
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Join us for fun, chat and games in our Discord Channel:

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