President Scratch

President Scratch

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Дата регистрации
О себе
No information given.The FoundersASSASSINATOR


Retired Key membersNiko

T$E Team leadersHeavenWrath

Global Moderator[Pending]

Global Mediator[Pending]

Manager of Tag teamRazio

Manager of CoreThermal Drill

Committee AdminChristy989

Manager of StreamChristy989

Manager of Sub GroupGif_Bluehawk

Manager of YouTubeKeyC13

Manager PRCommander Deadhead

About Team$Evil:This is a place for people who are addicted to playing Payday: The Heist or Payday 2. We are growing so much as group for the benefit of the community. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Please read on for much more info about our group.

Groups and Rules:Members of Team$Evil in this group are encouraged not to cheat, hack or glitch.
If you do any of the above you could be removed from the group.
Only members of the Team$Evil Tag Team may wear =T$ETag=.
Only members of the Team$Evil Core group may wear =T$ECore=.
Anyone who acts against/shows hate towards Team Evil will be removed.

Team$Evil Twitch[]Team Evil offers all of our members two channels to watch, with our primary channel being the most watched Payday 2 channel on twitch, and with our new Twitch Partnership you can Subscribe and help us offer more in our Daily Giveaways!

Team$Evil Tag Team GroupThe Tag Team group is for players who are addicted to both Payday games and want to help other players. Check out the group rules for more info. You can apply to be in the Tag Team here.

Team$Evil Core GroupThe Core group is for distinguished members of the T$E community. The group consists of players who have various skills and have been promoted to the dedicated community members. Do not ask for an invite to Core. You get invited into Core once you are believed worthy of the title.

Team$Evil Sub GroupThis special group is for our Twitch subscribers, where we organise our Sub Sundays and other events.

Team$Evil's Partners / SponsorsTeam Evil T-Shirts[] - T$E Gear
Team support[] - Team Support
Overkill Software[] - Makers of Payday: The Heist & Payday 2
TEC - Makers of HoxHUD

Relax, have fun & Stay Evil!

Team$Evil's Website[]
T$E Youtube Channel
Team$Evil's TwitterNo information given.No information given.