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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 02.11.2014
- О себе
- No information given.Bitcoin Traders, the only group on Steam that specializes in Steam platform Bitcoin Trading.
Invite them.Invite your friends!Let them know!
What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital virtual currency.
Bitcoins are digital coins you can send through the internet.
Compared to other alternatives bitcoins have a number of advantages.
Bitcoins are transfered directly from person to person via the net without going through the bank or clearing house. This means the fees are much lower, you can use them in every country, your account cannot be frozen and there are no prerequisites or arbitrary limits.
• Only the user has power to touch/move his/her own balance
• Transfers are irreversible by construction
• Anonymity (various degrees of anonymity depending on effort)
• Low fees
• Worldwide, but still fast.
Purpose of this group is to unite bitcoin traders on steam and share our experiences with others.
• Moderators: Experienced & Trusted Bitcoin traders (may also help, but it's not their duty)
Need help or have some suggestion? Post in the group discussion.
Would you like to become an officer or moderator? Simply send friend invite to Melkor and he will discuss it with you (you need to have some previous BTC experience and rep thread).
1 BTC = $? -> Bitcoin converter[preev.com] <-
Our current goal is to unite BTC traders on Steam and make everything about Bitcoin easy understandable so BTC trading may become fully enjoyable and make our members fully satisfied!
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Download Bitcoin-Qt[bitcoin.org]
Download GUIMiner[github.com]
Bitcoin forum[bitcointalk.org]No information given.No information given.