Sir Boring

Sir Boring

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О себе
Greetings. I'm a guy known as Boring.
I play a lot of games, but mostly medieval melee games like Chivalry and Mordhau. I play a lot of Roblox too, as I have been for the past 15+ years, thus where my boring name comes from.

I blab a bit on Twitter, if you're interested in that. It's mostly Roblox-related, though, so be warned... For those who frequent the Moorlands and are gracious and honorable toward an enemy, especially a defeated one, and toward the weak, meek, n' low-born ranks.

May this day bring forth a constant and dynamic skirmish. Filled with teamwork, brutal victory, and crushing defeat.

Rest at ease in the knowledge that your single strike - hopeless as it may appear - can sway the tide in your faction's favor. Focus not on raising one's self for thy single glory, instead raise one-another to reflect the glory of those by your side.

For those interested in being a part of this community :
Thy name is not forgotten lest you change it.
Stand out from the plebs and be recognized as someone who supports our Moorland by bearing the emblem *FLOWERY*
Bearing this emblem on all thy classes and skins displays that you are interested in being a Moorland Skirmisher.

The TAG in front of your player name is reserved ONLY to be worn by members of the Moorland Skirmishers. If someone wears the name tag who is not a member - you will be kicked or banned from playing on the server.

As always, be welcoming to those who join and respect your enemy.

Music Vids:
The Ride




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Praise be to DaJebus!

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