

(Christian Ramos)
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О себе
No information given. ◭ Welcome to the Garry's mod Development Hub ◮
This Developer group is currently being used to help bring together other fellow developers within the community and allow the use of multiple people to collaborate to create awesome content for Garry's mod as a whole. This isn't an obligation or a mandatory group but is here for those who wish to take part in helping.
◭ Rules and Regulations ◮
1. Harassment will result in imminent removal from the group & discord.
2. Spamming discussions, discord channels or pm'ing developers repetitively will get you removed.
3. Constructive criticism is highly recommended but rude remakes are not tolerated.
4. Advertising for your community or server is prohibited and will get you removed.
5. Developers volunteer to help you, its not there obligation to, be patient and be respectful to their busy schedules.
◭ Helpful Links and Tools ◮
Code Blue Tutorials

Community Run Valve Dev Tools[valvedev.info]

GLUA Information[glua.io]

Blender model guide

How to use Hammer guide[www.instructables.com]

Gmod Jobs[gmodstore.com]
◭ Looking for help? ◮
Our discord has dedicated developers who have been chosen to help out those who are in need of a small push in the right direction. We have developers who specify in each listed area: GFX Design, Lua Developement, Level Design, Modeling & Rigging and even some Web designers for those who need it. These developers have a lot of experience and are there to help you when you need it, just join the discord and they'll set you right up. Discord link below

[GDH] - Garry's mod Base Wiki[wiki.garrysmod.com]
[GDH] - Discord[discord.gg]
[GDH] - Gmod Facepunch[gmod.facepunch.com]No information given.No information given.