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О себе


First and foremost, from all the staff here at Nexus Networking, we would like to welcome you to our community, and hope you enjoy your time here.

About us!
Nexus Networking (NXN) is a Gaming Community that was started by 3 individuals known as MrExtemePulse, MrDaviD and of course MrDriftonez in mid-2017.
After running 3 separate networks such as LoneWolfNetworking, Pulse Networking and Fallen Order, it was decided that the networks should come together to form something far greater, now known as Nexus Networking.

Here at Nexus Networking we strive for professional service as we’re to the point for the point.
With our mature experienced team, we organise Arma III Scenarios and Missions as well as server hosting for multiple game servers including Arma III. Current Arma III Department Directors are MrDaviD and MrExtremePulse.

We are currently working on a website and TeamSpeak, however expect these to be available to the public in the next coming weeks.

As our community has grown beyond any of our expectations so far, we would like to soon begin to branch out to more wide-spread games in an effort to gain a larger following and to accommodate for as many people as we can.
We are always open to suggestions, and we will most certainly review and consider any suggestion made to us regarding new ventures.

If you have any questions or queries, don't hesitate to forward them to either our Website, TeamSpeak and/or Discord. Contact Information Below.

If you’d like to join us on either our Zeus MilSim Server or Altis life
Find out more below.
(Zeus Mission info found in "Planning On Playing Our Military Simulation?")

Contact Us ☎
@ TeamSpeak - NXN.net.au

@ Our Site - http://www.nexusnetworking.com.au/

@ Discord - https://discord.me/nxn

@ Twitter - https://twitter.com/AUSNXN

Community Rules 📖Engage and Include all members
Respect all Members and Staff
No impersonating staff members
Enjoy Yourself

NXN Special Operations (Exclusive invitation Only)SpecialForces

Contact support @ Teamspeak for more!

We hope you enjoy your stay!

NexusNetworking[Nexusnetworking.com.au]No information given.No information given.