Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 21.07.2014
- О себе
- RIP CoryBruhin English the 13th Twin Legion, also known as Legio tertia decima Gemina, was a legion of the Imperial Roman army. It was one of Julius Caesar's key units in Gaul and in the civil war, and was the legion with which he famously crossed the Rubicon on January 10, 49 BC. Several times the Legion was disbanded and when called upon, took up arms at full strength. It was given the nickname "Pia Fidelis" or in english "Faithful and Loyal" Its symbol was the lion
Rules as of now
1) No trolling.
2) No spamming
3) No Harassment
4) Don't bring hate in here
5) No Racism
Rules will come when needed, Be likable and you can stay
Recruitment: Based on two things Performance and Personality. If you meet the personality requirments but cant meet performance there can be an exception.
Exile/Ban: There will be 2 warnings and on the third no exception. If the offense is great enough we will call a vote before the next offenseNo information given.No information given.