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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 18.07.2014
- Страна
- US
- О себе
- Im going to die in a shootout with the IRS
I've been suppressing my feelings for
really long time and it wasn't till tonight that i no longer can hold them to myself.
recently I've felt a big attitude change in my friend, and banner bearer, Woofgoesdog. I just really don't like his negative outlook towards life. Sometimes he's just such a bitch. Damn
Brothers of the Lost and Not Found, our prophet Mr. Simon has contacted our lord and savior, Mesiah Koda-Kada-Yashi
Who is Koda-Kada-Yashi
Koda-Kada-Yashi is and isn't everything. It can be merely a name yet it can also be everything around us. Koda-Kada-Yashi surrounds us in everyday life, from restaurants to people to inanimate objects. We rely on Koda-Kada-Yashi yet we do not recognize it. Please join us bretherens and spread the word, acknowledge Koda-Kada-Yashi.
High Ranking Members
Grandmaster Mr. Simon
Grand Senechal The Bush Master
Grand Marshal MooGoesCow
Charlie Chaplain FreedomFighter55
Grand Almoner Gooby
Banner Bearer WoofGoesDog
Things you should know
1. life's a bitch
2. people are bitches
3. Don't be a bitch
1. Bring up the fact that your trying to find your true inner self when someone insults you
John: Sam your retarded
Sam: But john all im trying to do is to find my inner self, you dont understand what im going through right now, and your hurtful words aren't helping
2. Never actually go looking for yourself
Only say that your trying to find yourself but dont actually go looking, you dont want to see the real you
(ACTUAL CONVERSATION) Vahlok the Jailor: Also, I found myself. It's a corpse
3. use words such as:
identity, crisis, feels and searching
4. Always blame other people for what's going inside of you. Use things such as "your parents never loved you" as the reason for your behaivor.
5. If your feelings are hurt, dont tell anyone, the more you keep to yourself the faster you will become enlightened
Group Activities include:
Group therapy sessions
No information given.No information given.