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О себе Welcome to our Official Steam Group.

RusTenas is an idea born from a group of friends that play and love Rust. Others like Florida Warriors and Atlanta Warriors were powered by RusTenas too.

Currently, we are a community that keeps growing every day and we hope to get very far with this project.

What servers does RusTenas currently offer?

We currently offer a modded x5 server and a vanilla server. Later we want to open more servers, depending on the available infrastructure.

Who owns RusTenas?

As some will know the owner and sole administrator of RusTenas is called Juli1. You can always add me on steam for questions or suggestions.

How often server wipes?

RusTenas Main x5 - Wipes Every (Thursday) 12:00-2:00 PM
RusTenas Vanilla x2 - Wipes Every (Thursday) 12:00-2:00PM

What RusTenas Main Server offers?

•150 Slots •Medium Map (3000) •5X Resource Gather •Loot+ •Kits [home-basic-food-meds & steam] •TP & 5 Homes •Clans & Friends System •Voting and Rewards System •Rewards Store [Earn RP while playing, then redeem points in the rewards store with /s]

You can always report, suggest or contact me with /ticket in game.

Official TeamSpeak Server: ts3.rustenas.comTwitter: @rustenas

Official Website[]
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Vote for our server[]No information given.No information given.