(José Afaricio Agnostico Avelino Varandas)
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 12.04.2014
- Страна
- PT
- О себе
- Com informações.
Vou vos ensinar a fazer uma boa receita para um bacalhau bem saboroso:
•1 emb. de Lombos de Bacalhau do Atlântico Pescanova
•1 emb. de Brócolos Pescanova
•2 c. de sobremesa de Alho Picado Pescanova
•1/2 l de azeite
•1 kg de batatas
•1 cebola grande
•sal e pimenta q.b.
1. Coloque os Lombos de Bacalhau Pescanova temperados com a pimenta num pirex e adicione o azeite. Salpique com a cebola cortada às rodelas e os alhos e leve ao forno a assar, até ficarem dourados.
2. Vá sempre regando com o azeite e um pouco de água a ferver, para que não sequem demasiado. Simultaneamente, coloque as batatas cruas com pele, muito bem lavadas e picadas com um garfo, num pirex. Cubra-as com sal grosso e deixe-as assar.
3. No final, enrole cada uma delas num pano e dê-lhes um murro.
4. Acompanhe os Lombos de Bacalhau assados com as batatas a murro e brócolos cozidos●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●
Welcom to the Bill´s clan, we are here just to chill out and having fun while playing all type of games :D
We are known by the following names:
⇝Bill (admin´s)
⇝Crazy Bullet (admin)
⇝Vartheel (admin)
If you see one of this names while you playing any game please check allways their profile, they can be fake and try to scam you or another type of thing, we dont have any type of that intentions.
Below are the rules to be a real Bill:
● Be respectful
● Dont be a toxic person or player, we are here just to have fun
● Help and let be helped by other players
● If you have a higher post dont abuse or you get depromoted or kicked from the group
● If you deserve you get promoted
● Try to be as active as possible
● Dont use any type of hacks
● Every week we are going to see if you accomplish all the rules here
About the Bills, we are a group of friends that live in Portugal, we dont like toxic persons or players because games are a hobby where you should have fun and chill, laugh with friend, spending time with them.
I dont have more things to say right now, just have a good time and enjoy :D
YOLO 0_o
●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬●No information given.No information given.