(Uruguayo y argentino, morando em Asuncion/Paraguay)
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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 04.04.2014
- Страна
- PY
- О себе
- Buenos días, ¿viniste aquí? recibió una bala? Es normal, bienvenido.
32yo Talent -----> recognizido por Finix ( imperial lurker brasileno)
1x Major 1972 Football Semi-Pro Buenos Aires Open
3x Detenciones por tráfico de animales salvajes
4x Splits automotrices en pitch dos libres
1x Campeón Mundial Coca-Cola Tazo.
5x Riñones trasplantados
Vendedor senior Walmart 2003-2005
2x Soccer Cup ''Femanzana'' Veranópolis(Brazil).
1x Copa Mickey Orlando Futsal 1987-1988
8x Vice-campeone Fifa Street 2009,2008,2004,2003,2000,1999,1998,1996.
Lvl 8 GamersClub ( fue hackeado :{)
Participaciones en la LIGA AMADORA GAMERSCLUB:
2x 54º, 5x 35º, 71x 256º. '' una eliminacione por má conducta, (sexo virtuale). - '' nó se puede jugar e hacer cualquier cosa.... maricones del brazil..... ''
4x Veces Scammado por un hijo de puta de Siberia rusa.
+ de ARS$ 874562658,00 apostados em pelea de gallos. -----> acerca de 8.65 $US
Saludos desde Godoy Cruz !!! Mejor equipo del America espanola
------ We have a new community Discord! ------https://discord.gg/nK4fdrTArc
~ Who are we? ~ 🚀
We offer giveaways & group events, along with server mini-games, such as Sharks & Minnows, Mass Spycrabbing, Boxing Tournaments, and various other games that give players the chance to win items.
These items range anywhere from unique items, to Unusuals and more.
And the best part is, all our events and giveaways.. Are 100% free to enter!
~ MassCC's Official TF2 Server ~ 🎮
~ Inviting ~ ☎More members means more giveaways.
To do this, look to the top right and click "Invite friends" you can then either select all of your current friends, or you can select certain people.
Once you're done simply click "Invite To Group"
~ Banned From Our Server? ~ ☢File a server ban appeal!
~ Notes ~ 🐦
We do NOT own prize bots!If you were added by anyone claiming you won a giveaway/event from us, it's a scammer.
We will NEVER add you to give you your prize, you must add the person hosting the giveaway/event to claim your winnings.
No advertising!If you are caught advertising anything on the group, you will be banned!
Having trouble joining the server? - CRC error & more.Tutorial on fixing!
Current Group Giveaways
Discord Server[discord.gg]
Sourcebans[]No information given.No information given.