(Marcos Eduardo)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 07.02.2014
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- • Fique a vontade para me adicionar • SE FOR PEDIR FAMILY SHARE NÃO ME ADICIONE
Não jogo mais CSGO, se esse for o motivo pelo qual queira me adicionar User with a level lower as 90 are not allowed (except the founder)
Higher levels are allowed and desired
If you met the requirements for the next higher Level Collector Group you can make an request on the next one. Also make sure your profile is NOT private in any way or you get denied!
Code Of Conduct
Level 81 - 90 (900XP per level)LVL81828384858687888990XP36900378003870039600405004140042300432004410045000
Level 80 Collector
Level 100 CollectorNo information given.No information given.