olliecreates on instagram
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- 03.02.2014
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- olliecreates on instagram
Swagman!: How much for the bomber
-UT- Caliburn|: selling it for 650keys#
-UT- Caliburn|: *
-UT- Caliburn|: pure
-UT- Caliburn|: casj
-UT- Caliburn|: cash
-UT- Caliburn|: I have a buyer
Swagman! is now Online.
Swagman!: I'll offer my corona
-UT- Caliburn|: effect?
Swagman!: Codex
Swagman!: It's 600, I can add
-UT- Caliburn|: how much can you add?
Swagman!: How much would I need to add
-UT- Caliburn|: well considering your corona aint 600
Swagman!: Yeah it is.
-UT- Caliburn|: ancient codex?
-UT- Caliburn|: or galactic
Swagman!: Idk let me see
Swagman!: Ancient
-UT- Caliburn|: ancient is 330
-UT- Caliburn|: you are telling me 600 why?
-UT- Caliburn|: double the price
Swagman!: Nah it galactic
Swagman!: It's*
-UT- Caliburn|: isnt abduction better than galactic
Swagman!: Yeah last sale in the abduction was around 650 I believe
Swagman!: Forever off market now though
-UT- Caliburn|: and why wasnt it priced @ 400
Swagman!: Idk lol
Swagman!: Mine is getting priced at 575 anyway
-UT- Caliburn|: https://backpack.tf/stats/Unusual/Corona%20Australis/Tradable/Craftable/97
Swagman!: Nice
-UT- Caliburn|: well it's not 600 is it
Swagman!: 575 yeah
-UT- Caliburn|: so how much do you think you should add
Swagman!: 50
-UT- Caliburn|: im sorry I dont get it
-UT- Caliburn|: I said
-UT- Caliburn|: I was offered 650pure
-UT- Caliburn|: in cash
-UT- Caliburn|: by a collector
-UT- Caliburn|: and you offer me
Swagman!: Lmao proof?
-UT- Caliburn|: 625 mixed
-UT- Caliburn|: I dont need proof
Swagman!: Yeah you do
Swagman!: Scammer
-UT- Caliburn|: If I wasnt selling it for 650 I would consider your offer
-UT- Caliburn|: lol
-UT- Caliburn|: wtf?
-UT- Caliburn|: I am selling it for 650pure
-UT- Caliburn|: correction
Swagman!: Lying about offers.... Nice
Swagman!: I also see you paid 360?
-UT- Caliburn|: you know it's a lie?
-UT- Caliburn|: how?
-UT- Caliburn|: 360?
-UT- Caliburn|: I paid 200pure + ste stash + kw pusher
Swagman!: You refuse to give proof
-UT- Caliburn|: + potassium bonnet
Swagman!: Yes secret stadg
Swagman!: Oh
Swagman!: I thought it was 1:1
-UT- Caliburn|: So you just accused me?
Swagman!: take the 640 lol
-UT- Caliburn|: 650*
Swagman!: Yeah whatever
Swagman!: Take it
-UT- Caliburn|: yes I am lol
-UT- Caliburn|: he is getting pure
-UT- Caliburn|: hm
-UT- Caliburn|: accuse me of lying about offers
-UT- Caliburn|: so sad
-UT- Caliburn|: all screenshotted
Swagman!: Give proof I'll believe you bahaha
-UT- Caliburn|: once I sell it I will make a suggestion
-UT- Caliburn|: lmao
Swagman!: Your banned you can't make suggestions bahahagaga
Swagman!: dumbass
-UT- Caliburn|: you are being a ♥♥♥♥?
-UT- Caliburn|: why?
Swagman!: yes
-UT- Caliburn|: Because you know I can trade?
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