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Everyone will know what you did, but nobody will remember you
Goddamn do I love tea.

| |
| | ∧_∧
|_|´・ω・`)  I serve tea  Have a break
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Aside from fine people who like tea this is also a group for fans of my Youtube or streaming channels (ManlyBadassHero):

Most streaming will be done on the TwitchTV channel!

Do Not Join This Group If You Do Not Like Steam Announcements Or Events.

Sit down, enjoy the company, watch the game and have a nice cup of tea.

Stream Schedule
At least 3 streams a week!

8 - 10 PM EST (Weekends - Fri, Sat, Sun)

Stream times may vary up to an hour earlier or later than what is posted depending on circumstance. Check social networks for updates.

Bonus Stream Days
8 - 10 PM EST (Weekdays - Mon, Weds)

These occur if I miss a stream date or have a special, long or new game to play. They will be announced on social networks at least a day ahead of time.

If a schedule conflict or any other kind of event occurs and I miss a stream (ex. I stream Fri, Sun but miss Sat) then check my social networking/steam group since I will usually schedule a followup stream to make up for it. I also use these places to announce ahead of time what I plan to stream or if something occurs that prevents me from streaming, ex. hurricane or out of town.


1. Don't be a rambunctious, annoying, disrespectful, taunting or insulting fellow.

2. Take all arguments with other chatters outside the bar... I mean stream.

3. No advertising.

4. No roleplay, if I see it once or twice I may let it slide but if it constitutes the entirety of your dialogue then that's no good.

5. Try to stay on the topic of what's being streamed. Chatting and minor amounts of off topic dialogue is okay but watch it if you start dropping personal rants and life stories. Basically anything that floods the chat to the point others can't talk about the content of the stream.

Example, if I'm playing a Star Wars game then talking about Star Wars is okay. Talking excessively about how cute your cat is (as much as I love cats) takes a lot of focus away from the game and valuable chat space.

6. No begging for facecam, holding donations ransom or overall way too intruding questions.

*** All rules will be enforced on the spot resulting in either a warning, time out or channel wide block depending on the discretion of the moderator at the time. If you like the channel & content then don't give me a reason to look at your avatar and think "That person did this annoying thing." Act like you would in a proper social situation and you'll be fine. ***

Manly Youtube Channel
Manly Badass Hero of Justice Weeaboo TwitchTv Channel[]
Manly TwitterNo information given.