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No information given.SOS Brigade


Save Steam by Overloading Servers with fun!

The goal of this group is to find any animelovers, gamers, or Haruhiists and have fun with them!
This group is for anyone who likes anime, manga, or light novels.

It doesn't matter if you're a fan or Haruhi or not you can be a fan or another character in the show. Personally I'm a fan of Tsuruya, gotta love her.

This group is pretty international. We have members from many different regions of the world. We have many members in the United States, Japan, Singapore, Germany, France, all over Europe, and the world. Sorry if I didn't list your country. Feel free to leave a comment and represent!

We promote any members of the SOS-Brigade or related groups to game with each other. If you didn't know already, clicking on Friends tab in the server browser servers with members of groups you are in will be displayed. Feel free to join and have fun.

Also feel free to add “| SOS-団" before or after your name so members can recognize each other. Example “John Smith | SOS-団".

If anyone feels that something should be added to the group description go ahead and leave a comment on the group profile or my profile.

We are constantly looking for more active admins in different timezones that speak both English and the native language kind of fluently, as long as the admins can communicate with each other it's fine.

If anyone runs a server or regulars on a server feel free to post the IP and I will add it to the group description. Please post where the server is located, what region of the world.

Check out Haruhi-Chan(http://haruhichan.com). Haruhi-Chan is a website designed to keep users up-to date with on-going anime. The site has a growing forum community, IRC channel, and their own steam group where users can discuss anime, manga, games, and other topics. I urge you guys to check it out for yourself. Haruhi-chan also host events, competitions, and give aways where you can win games.

Haruhichan's Main Site (Also check our their blog)[haruhichan.com]No information given.No information given.