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- Дата регистрации
- 30.12.2013
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- О себе
WeChat : ZhyxH1Z1
What is KeyVendor.netKeyVendor.net is the most professional, advanced, fast, reliable and easy to use BTC⇄key -trading bot. It's developed and administered by an expert programmer with professional business insight, unlike all other almost-scam-like bots out there. All trades and payments are completed within seconds (not counting in time taken by Steam) with hardly any problems ever coming up. We will put considerable amounts of time to make the service even better to broaden our target audience.
Read here for information about the service in the bot's profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/keyvendornet
Post any issues regarding the bot to this group.
Happy dealing!
How do I sell keys?Go here https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=227165273 to send me a tradeoffer with the keys that you want to sell. Once the offer is accepted, the payment will be delivered to your Bitcoin balance. If you want the payment directly to your own Bitcoin address, type the address in the message of the tradeoffer with nothing else in the message.
How do I buy keys?Send me a tradeoffer for my keys at the link above. If you don't have enough Bitcoin- or keybalance on your account to pay for the keys, I will generate you an invoice that you can pay to receive the keys. The whole process takes less than 30 seconds.
How do I make money? What is the shareholder system?The shareholder system allows you to make money with an investment with zero risk. For every key sold or bought from me, I will share $0.001 between all of the shareholders and the dividend will be automatically added to your Bitcoin balance. To become a shareholder, simply add value to your Bitcoin balance by selling keys or by using the 'deposit' command. You can withdraw the invested amount at any time.
What are credits and points?You can earn credits and points by selling and buying keys to and from me. You can use the credits to swap keys. The points determine how much you've used our services.
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