[FGC_UY] Yamata No Orochi

[FGC_UY] Yamata No Orochi

(Ryota Santiago Himomura)
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О себе
No information given.Your ONE AND ONLY spot for world-wide casual USFIV online Tournaments.

Find us on Challonge! @ http://challonge.com/users/finalsuperultrafight

This small pocket of players (who I hope to see grow into
something much greater than themselves) will be solely dedicated
to the frequency of Tournaments in an online setting.

The dates and times for Tournaments and their criteria
will be posted on our Event page whenever they're constructed.


1) The Mic: Oh, that instrument of communication. As much as I'd love
for it to be used solely for the powers of good, unfortunately there are
just people out there who love to call small children F@!#sticks whenever
they're beaten in a video game. Know that there is profanity and such
online. Deal with it appropriately, don't bend over to bullies, and it won't
be a problem for you too long. And of course, those who blatantly seek to
troll will get muted. Or thrown into Oblivion. Whichever hurts more.

2) The Lag: The eternal struggle of every Fighting Game player. It ruins
your timing, ruins your character, ruins your mood, ruins your dinner...
it even ruins deep rooted relationships. Unfortunately, it's not something
we can directly control, otherwise we would. So please, just make
sure your connection is at least adequate. If not, everyone else deal
with it like civilized, mature gentleman and ladies. Or just foam at the
mouth and let it dribble onto your controller of choice. That solves

3) Player Error/Good Competition: If you make an input error, or end
up losing to someone who might be throwing or DP'ing just a BIT too
much...accept it. Everyone plays Fighters for the fun, for the challenge,
for the skill, and to get better. There is no exception. We take it upon
ourselves to make our communities rotten or prosperous. Make your
choice.No information given.No information given.