- Дата регистрации
- 16.11.2013
- О себе
- No information given.Your team sucks. All of them get incapped right at the start by walking into an ambush. You are standing next to a sea of spit and some French accent is screaming at you to wade into the spit to pick them up off the ledge as you hear a charger and jockey spawn. You turn and deadstop the jockey and get ready to deal with the charger..and there it is.... Pierre calls a votekick on you for not being able to carry the entire team. This is a group for the good players that get votekicked by bad teams and the bad players that votekick them. Maybe they will be able to come to terms with their badness and eitehr get better or uninstall.
***BTW we know that if you post immediatly after the invite calling us noobs, it's merely an admission of how bad (and obviously, mad) you really are. No need to prove things here, you've done enough already.***No information given.