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- Дата регистрации
- 13.11.2013
- Страна
- HR
- О себе
- No information given.LINESPQR is a clan, but not only a clan. It’s a small community, a small cosmos inside of a larger group of gamers. While Ace of Spades forms the centric heart and soul of the clan, LINESPQR isn’t at all stationary. With our size, vision and determination, we can and will spread our influence to other games, and will continue to do so should Ace of Spades cease to exist as we know it. LINESPQR is designed as a boat that can flow around different communities while still maintaining a highly level activity, allowing for an independant existence by itself. Our clan is a democratic clan, however a loose hierarchy is present. Such a (relatively) large-scaled clan would likely be chaos without firm leadership and direction, but yet everyone gets to express his/hers ideas, wishes and everyone is given equal opportunity to propose or speak out against developments in the clan. LINESPQR is designed and defined by its members, and can only be as good as the sum of it’s parts. Current LINESPQR leaders are tin and Will, followed by “Legates” – also known as co-leaders (AWhiteGuy, Fornax, Hawkan, Juxta, sax, Dominis, shaz) – and rest are the members and honorary members. If you wish to hang out with us, check out our IRC channel or forums (both are included on our website, check out the navigation bar). We are currently recruiting and you can apply on our forums.
LINESPQR Website[aimpot.com]No information given.No information given.