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О себе
No information given.This group was made to cater for traders and players from around the world , to chat, trade and be involved in an ever-growing community!

We encourage members to look for partners to play with, by posting on our Partner Thread, making sure to follow Formatting Help as guidelines for your post.

To provide a great experience to this CS:GO Community, we will be hosting raffles on a daily basis with varying entry fees, slots & maximum entries. As well as prizes for player & contributor for every two weeks, and a grand prize for contributor of the year! Be a part of our community and our clan today! :D

Send Donations/Entries to the founders here:
Trade Offer -Blue Dawn

Trade Offer -GreenEggsNFaggot

Admin/Founder - 6 Years of Service
Co-Founder - 3 Years of ServiceNo information given.No information given.