Dead Weight
(Bruno Martinez Tessele)
Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 29.09.2013
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- No information given.Welcome! Do You Love Zombies?If you do, then this is the perfect group for you! This is the largest fan group for custom and stock zombies in the steam community!! We play it all, World at War, Black OPS 1,2 and 3 Zombies!!! Both Custom and Stock maps!!! Our goal is to connect all custom and stock zombies players together in a safe and friendly environment in which they can find friends and interact with one another. 2018 is loaded with great stuff, so come join us for the ride!
✮ Join Our Discord Server! ✮ https://discord.gg/nTe6qxa
Don't Know Where to Start?Check out the ✮Best Custom Zombie Map Downloads
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Check Out Our ForumsLooking to Play / Finding Friends / General
Mature Players Only (16+)
Custom Map Reviews
FAQsQ:"How do I download and play custom zombies maps on World at War?"
A: Any of the following Youtube links should help you
MrDalekJD's Video
mcsportzhawk's Video
Yoteslaya's Video
TheOneBarHero's Video
Q:"Where can I download custom zombies maps for World at War?"
A: Complete Custom Zombies Website List
UGX Mods[ugx-mods.com]
✮ Join Our Discord Server! ✮[discord.gg]
✮ Custom Zombies on Facebook! ✮[www.facebook.com]No information given.