

Открыть в Steam
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О себе

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---Hello and welcome to BananaGaming's community steam page, below you will find a list of our rules that we advise you to read before playing, a punishment list and below that you will find a list of our amazing staff members who take the time out of their day to make sure that the server is a clean and fun enviroment that you are more than welcome to come and play on.
Enjoy your stay - Kind regards BananaGaming Staff---

Server Rules:
1. Don't harass other players
2. Don't be annoying
3. Don't propkill
4. Don't RDM
5. Do not revenge RDM
6. Do not hack or exploit
7. Do not micspam or chatspam
8. Do not kill players who are AFK
9. Only speak in English
10. Breaking any tester is not KOSable
11. Refusing to get tested is not KOSable
12. Obey all staff orders
13. Being ignorrant/disrespectful to players and or staff is not allowed
14. Ghosting is not allowed PERIOD
15. Prop surfing and exploiting maps is not allowed
16. Porn sprays are not allowed
17. Do Not use props in "any" way purposely to kill the opposing players.
18. Throwing grenades pre-round that damage people when the round starts is kosable.

Player Of The Week:
fishinbarrel 28/08/2016
k1g6d4k4 21/08/2016

Notable Donators!
fishinbarrel ~ thank you for your generous donation!

Respect all players and have fun :)No information given.No information given.