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Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 21.09.2013
- Страна
- RU
- О себе
- O primeiro de seu nome,
O Arcano, vencedor do prêmio M&MEAPN: 'Melhor e Maior Especialista de Aleatoriedades e Porra Nenhuma' This group was basicly made for the soul purpose of the oldschool loving, dice addicted and multiple playthrough lover. You dont necessarily have to be a fan of all types of DnD games, just love some of them and be willing to contribute to discussions, problems or whatever your topic might be. I advice being RESPECTFUL, since i do not want to deal with any bullshit. This group is supposed to be nice for everyone. So anyone being too much of a retard will be immediately kicked from this group. This is also made for people who generally just love playing solo and just need advice, help of generally just want to spread the love of these amazing games <3
Please behave and i'll be happy to welcome you :D