Открыть в Steam
Steam ID
- Дата регистрации
- 18.09.2013
- Страна
- PT
- О себе
- No information given.Welcome to Libra Family's Steam profile! If you want to join our mafious family you're free to do. but if you're looking for being part of our Guardian team, just folow the steps below:
1 - Talk with the mafia leader ( Kuroo )
2 - Pass the Admission test
3 - Choose a simple nickname (1 Simple word) to simplify the comunication betwen the members and prevent those from "Offensive Names"
4 - After complete the previous steps just use our clan tag |Libra|
5 - Never mess up with the group's reputation
6 - Welcome to family, comrade :)
7 - People who uses skype just add the leader (Kuroo's skype -> adridoug)
Rules :
1 - Always help your family mates if possible.
2 - Get online and interactive with the other members at least 3 times per week.
3 - Dont judge any other member unfairly.
4 - If you need help with anything, ask for it to our Family Bosses / Guardians.
Family Ranks :
Admin = Family Boss
SubAdmin = Guardians
Member = Family Member
No information given.No information given.