(Hamilton Luiz)
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- Дата регистрации
- 31.08.2013
- Страна
- BR
- О себе
- "I was just a 'Leftenant' back then, doing some wet work. Chernobyl, Christmas for the bad guys. Even a decade later a lot of them still used it to get their hands on nuclear material. A lot of them, including one Imran Zakhaev. Of course we couldn't just let that happen, cash for spent fuel rods? That's one hell of a recipe for destruction. It was the first time our government authorized an assassination order since the second World War. I was under the command of Captain MacMillan."
— Captain Price during "All Ghillied Up" operation.
Nós acolhemos sobreviventes que precisam de ajuda,damos abrigo, damos comida, damos medicamentos, somos uma Familia de SobreviventesNo information given.No information given.