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О себе
I teleported bread for three days.

I am a TF2 player that mains Heavy, Medic, and Soldier.

Waste your time somewhere else. Steam group focussed on bringing competitive, friendly, game sense, good aim and skillful players into a team.

Heavy is not fun. You don’t have to work as hard to get a 10 killstreak with heavy, and for that reason, heavy is less rewarding and thus less fun.

Heavy has a low skill ceiling. Heavy has some difficult mechanics such as: tracking aim, using very slow movement to increase survivability, needing to play around your team, and of course as every heavy main will proclaim from the rooftops GAME SENSE.

Heavy is not a versatile class. A decent heavy can make a huge contribution to the team on offense or defense. Overall heavy is a specialist, not a generalist class but there is always a time and place for him to be played especially in a casual setting. While heavy can be very versatile the skills that come from using him however, are not nearly as versatile, and this is the biggest reason I would discourage anyone from picking heavy as the first class they decide to main. Any time you spend playing will make you better at the game in general due to increasing your game knowledge (knowing about maps, rollouts ect.) and your game sense (strategies, predictions, ect).

Afterall... what matters most is to have fun with your friends!

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