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- Дата регистрации
- 16.08.2013
- Страна
- UA
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- In a world filled with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that in the end, there is a light in the darkness.
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The enclave is one of the few old organizations to survive the great war, the Enclave was once the shadow government of the United States. Members of the Enclave both embraced the idea of a nuclear war and knew that the common man could not survive it. They believed that as long as the "important people" of the United States survived, they could regroup quickly and wipe out commuism once and for all. Though not technically part of the Enclave, many powerful corporations benefited from the Enclave's actions and their research facilities were protected during the "firestorm" of 2077.
In 2073, as the global race to exploit the handful remaining natural resources reached its fevered peak, the United States managed to stake a claim on the world's last known supply of crude oil, buried thousands of feet beneath the Pacific Ocean.
Poseidon Oil, a major U.S. energy concern, was contracted to build an oil rig and extract the oil. Before long, the oil ran dry and it was abandoned by poseidon.
Come 2077, with total nuclear war rapidly arriving at America's doorstep, the President of the United States and a number of other United states government officials left their posts to take refuge in a number of secret locations around the world. among them was the Poseidon oil rig. Here, the President himself set up a secret base from which the USA could continue to exist and wage war on China, with the eventual goal of retaking the continental United States
Power Armors
The power armor is the standard equipment for the enclave. There are different types of power armors.
T-45d Power Armor was the first successfull power armor to be deployed in battle. They were lacking mobility of later versions. The first versions to hit the frontlines ran on Small Energy Cells, burning through them at an alarming rate.
T-51b power armor became a standard issue for US Soldiers in Mechanized Regiments after the Anchorage Reclamation.
The Advanced Power Armor was created by the enclave after the great war. It was issued primarily to troopers operating on the United States mainland, with the Enclave insignia.
This is also known as the Remnants' Power Armor in Fallout New Vegas.
The Advanced Power Armor Mk II was created after the great war. It is an later version of the original Adv. Power Armor. It is stronger. In the 2277s the enclave redesigned it. It is also known as Enclave Power Armor.
The Tesla Power Armor is a variant of the Adv. Power Armor MK II. It boosts your skill to use Energy Weapons, such as the Laser Rifle and the Plasma Rifle.
The Enclave Hellfire Armor is worn by the specialized Enclave Hellfire Troopers, but sometimes on regular Enclave Soldiers. It is resistant against fire and radiation.No information given.No information given.