- Дата регистрации
- 05.07.2013
- О себе
- Broken Dreams, Broken Buttholes Strength in Numbers is a semi-casual gaming group founded by --Pvt--Dancerx in 2011. While our primary game is Battlefield 3 (soon to be Star Citizen!!), we play a variety of different games. We believe in fair play and working as a team. Communication is key, so we use voice chat and request that members use it as well. We are always recruiting new members who are active (at least occasionally), mature, and interested in teamwork; skills and rank only tell part of the story.
Please feel free to join our Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/dKa6qyH
Voice Chat Channel Rules:
- Respect all Admins at all times.
- No Harassing of other Users, Users that are being harassed must inform the User that is harassing them to stop. If the User will not stop please inform an admin.
- Do not enter private channels when Users are in there unless invited by the current users that are there.
- Admins may ask any GUEST (Users that does not have a personal password) to identify them selves and the User that invited them to the ventrilo server.
- Admins have all rights to kick and Ban users who do not follow the rules.
- If there is a Issue with an admin please inform Nobilis or --pvt--Dancer.
Strength in Numbers forums[www.sin-gamers.org]
Battlefield 3 Platoon Page[battlelog.battlefield.com]
Star Citizen Squadron Page[robertsspaceindustries.com]No information given.No information given.